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Q: How often does a lynx go in heat?
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How often do the lynx eat on roar?

not often

Is there an animal called a lynx that belongs to the rodent family?

No. A lynx is a small, wild member of the cat family that is similar to the bobcat. The lynx often eats rodents, though.

Is a Canadian lynx wise?

Yes, they have demonstrated their wisdom often.

How can you help the exinction of the lynx?

tell all the hunters you know NOT to kill the lynx. if you see a female lynx leave it alone, it be pregant. go to

How often do boerboels go into heat?

Every 6 months.

What animal has long or thin body parts to lose heat more easily?


How far from their home do lynx go to eat?

It depends on how much food is available (the scarcer the food the further the Lynx will need to travel).When thinking about how far a lynx needs to go to eat it is normal to think about the area of an individual lynx's territory (lynx will have neighbors all around) and lynx territory sizes ranges from about 25 to 2000 sq km according to habitat quality and prey availability

What country does the Iberian lynx come from?

The Iberian Lynx is also known as Spanish Lynx and, true to it's names, lives in the Iberian Peninsula and Spain, where it is often considered the most endangered feline in the world.

How often do female rats go into heat?

For female animals, they go in heat about every 6 months.

When boxers are in heat does the one i have do like a cat and how often do they go in heat?

When the boxers are on heat, they usually mate just like the cats.

How long and how often are chocolate labs in heat?

Dogs usually go into heat twice a year, although some individual dogs will go into heat more or less often. Typically, a female will remain in heat for about three weeks, although she will only bleed for the week to a week and a half.

How often do dalmatians go into heat?

most female goes go into heat every 7-8 months