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the church of the nazarene regularly practices communion, altho there is no set amount of times it is done. At our church we try to do it bi-monthly - and others I know of would do it monthly.

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Q: How often does the Nazarene Church practice communion?
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Really that is dependent on the Assemblies of God Church. More traditional churches in the Assemblies of God still practice communion every Sunday. Most Assemblies of God churches have gone to practicing communion once a month typically either the first Sunday of the month or on Missions Sunday.

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Yes, but there is no prescribed practice laid out by the Church. It is often done in preparation for the sacrament of Holy Communion, as part of lenten disciplines or during a time committed to prayerful discernment.

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The United Methodist Church recommends Communion be served frequently. A recent resolution recommends weekly celebration of Communion. In practice, while more churches are moving to weekly communion, most churches celebrate Communion once a month.John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist movement, recommended receiving The Lord's Supper as often as one could. Another answer It depends on the Methodist Church and the member. Some churches still have communion infrequently (monthly or less) and some members still only receive communion on special occasions (such as Christmas, Easter, Pentecost and so on). However, as stated above, many Methodist Churches are increasing the frequency of receiving communion, or 'The Lord's Supper'. This will bring them more into line with the Anglican Church (where communion is usually weekly) as a result of the Anglican/Methodist Covenant that makes the promise that the two denominations should work more closely together in the future, possibly resulting, one day, in a united Church.

Does the church celebrate Holy Orders and Matrimony at the Service of Communion?

Holy Orders and Matrimony are sacramental acts that are often combined with a celebration of the Eucharist (Communion). The Eucharist, however, is separate from those two rites.

How many times does a baby receive communion after baptism in the Greek Orthodox Church?

Usually, on the first three consecutive Sundays after the Baptism, and thereafter as often as possible. Communion is also very important for adults to receive every few weeks or more often if possible.

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How often should you receive holy communion in Anglican church?

One should never receive Holy Communion more than once per week; otherwise there is a danger of becoming "Holier than Thou." Persons receiving Holy Communion with greater frequency tend to become devout, and once that happens there's just no living with them!

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The frequency of communion varies largely from different churches and different denominations. As for how often it occurs, it is largely dependent on the on the opinions of the pastor/priest and the congregation that attends the church. Some churches do it once a year, others do it once a month, and some have been known to have communion once a week or more.

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What is open communion in a Lutheran church?

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