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Interesting question. I'm not an expert, but astronomy is one of my hobbies. Venus has a very thick atmosphere that only lets in a small amount of sunlight passing through the clouds. The surface is very hot because of the greenhouse effect of the atmosphere. I do not know if the sun is even visible through the clouds during the daytime. However, if the sky of Venus was clear enough for the sun to be visible, it would be visible for a long time in the sky, in fact for many Earth days. This is because Venus has a slow rotation that makes its days and nights much longer than the days and nights on Earth. A better answer is you would see an extremely hot dim daylight for many Earth days, and then extremely hot darkness for many Earth days. This was submitted by M. Maljian from South Brunswick, NJ.

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11y ago

All the time.

Yes, but I think the question is asking about how much sunshine you get

at a particular place on the planet.

You would get about 58 days of "sunshine" in a Venusian "day" because

the "solar day" lasts about 117 Earth days. It would vary a bit , but that's

gives you a good estimate.

Unfortunately you couldn't see the Sun because of the atmosphere. There

would be sunlight like on a very cloudy day here on Earth.

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11y ago

I think you mean "the SUN shine".

Anyway the solar day on Venus is about 117 Earth days. That's the

time from one sunrise to the next approximately.

That means Venus gets roughly 58 days of sunshine every Venus "day".

Actually the Sun can't be seen on Venus because of the horribly thick,

cloudy atmosphere, but there would be daylight, like on a cloudy day here

on Earth.

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15y ago

Trick question: The sun would not be visible through the thick clouds that cover the planet.

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