

How often protestants pray?

Updated: 12/23/2022
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Q: How often protestants pray?
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Why can it help christians to ask the saints to pray to almighty god?

Only Catholic Christians pray to saints. Protestants Christians do not. We [Protestants] believe they were disciples/apostles of Jesus, but we don't ask the them to pray for us.

What do protestants do in church?

Sing, pray, listen to someone give a talk from the Bible

How do catholics pray and how often?

We Pray The Prayers Jesus Taught Us. And We Pray As Often As We Want. And they pray twice when they sing!

Do the protestants pray to St.Mary?

No, Protestants believe that God hears every prayer, and therefore the intecession of Saints is at best unneccisary; and at worst prayer to saints may be considered a form of idolatry.

Why do you pray to saints?

Catholics pray to saints to intercede on their behalf with God. The Reformation leader, Martin Luther, considered this akin to polytheism and therefore banned this practice from his churches, so Protestants do not pray to saints.

How often do Anglicans worship?

Anglicans worship in Anglican churches, or Episcopal churches outside England. The ritual is very similar to that of the Roman Catholic church, including the reading of the Gospel.

How often does the lord encourage us to pray?

he encourages you to pray every day.

How often do devout Muslims pray?

Muslims are required to pray 5 obligatory prayers a day. A Muslim may pray more than these, if s/he wishes.

What religion prays to Mary?

Christianity, particularly the Catholic and Orthodox branches, pray to Mary. In these traditions, Mary is revered as the mother of Jesus and often seen as an intercessor who can pray to God on behalf of believers.

Do Christians use any equipment to pray?

Christians do not require any "equipment" when praying. However, some Catholic Christians use the rosary. Both Catholic and Orthodox Christians are more likely than Protestants to use visual representations of Jesus and the saints in their worship, although Protestants often have an (empty) cross in their places of worship as a symbol of Jesus' death and resurrection.

What was the reaction to the protestants in Europe?

At first they were persecuted, often called heretics.