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I water my Mammillaria cacti once the soil has dried out completely. This is recommended for all cacti, it is better to water them not as often rather than regularly because if you get root rot then your cacti will die.

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Q: How often should a mam backebergiana cactus be watered?
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A cactus should be watered at least once a week. It can be watered two times a week if the soil is very dry.

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Moth Orchids should be watered every 4 to 7 days.

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Does cactus dies if you put a lot of water?

Cacti will die if watered to much, it is best to water them when the soil has dried out completely. It is better to water less often than more.

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The adverb in the sentence "he watered them daily" is "daily". It describes the frequency or how often he watered them.

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Just how often a pumpkin plant needs to be watered depends on the state of the soil. The owner of the plant should judge the soil before watering; if it seems already very moist, watering should be kept to a minimum. In general, however, pumpkin plants should be watered every two days. Watering every day can over-soak the soil, leading to disease.

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For light, watering, and temperature on the Zygo Cactus:Please see related link below.

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How often do you water a rose cactus?

Watch the national weather report. When it rains in Tuscon, Arizona, then water your cactus.

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How often should you water a saguaro cactus?

Not very often because cactuses are designed to live a long period without water. I would suggest once every week is fine.