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Q: How often should you ice your strained hamstring?
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What is a drink served up?

A drink served up should be mixed with ice, for example in a cocktail shaker, but then strained so there is no ice in the drink when it is served cold.

How do you treat a strained oblique muscle?

I have the same problem, rest ice and stretch it occasionally.

How long does it take a strained deltoid muscle to heal?

There is no set time for any strained muscle to heal, it is all dependent on the individual. It would be recommened to rest the strained muscle as much as possible as anything too strenuous will increase the length of recovery. There is a good five step process to remember called PRICE, this stands for: protection, rest, ice, compression & elevation Go to the above link for a helpful guide on how to treat a strained muscle. Hope this helps. Aaron

How do you heal a strained quad that occurred from running.?

I just happened to have the same problem during a basketball game. I just went to a doctor today and he said that just make sure u stretch it at least 6 times a day for 2 min each time for about 6 weeks. Make sure that you stretch your hamstring too, this would prevent any future injury in your quad or hamstring. Then you should ice it during the first 3 weeks, then heat it for the last 3 weeks. Make sure you don't put any strain on this muscle for about 2-3 weeks or else it will just make it worse. Hope this helps! =D

Does Deep Heat Help A Strained Calf?

yes. anytime you pull a muscle or if your muscles are feeling sore, then you should ice it for about ten minutes and then add heat for ten minutes and continue doing that.

How do you treat a strain?

elevate the part of ur body on a pillow tht is strained and put some ice on it for 20 mins then heat and repeat tht.

How do you treat strain?

elevate the part of ur body on a pillow tht is strained and put some ice on it for 20 mins then heat and repeat tht.

Why are warm applications used to treat a strain?

Heat application along with treatment with ice to heal a strained muscle, the warmth is used to soften the muscles.

How do you stop ice cubes from freezing in ice receptable from ice maker?

Are you talking about how to stop them from being made? If so, there should be a lever (often silver) that you can lift up that stops the water from entering the cube maker.

What is the expected recovery period for pulled hamstring?

It normally depends on how fast your body heals. it could take a couple of days or a few weeks. It normally takes 2-4 weeks or so. You should ice it and then heat it. You also need to rest alot and if you dont rest it could get much worst. The best thing you should do is REST.

Should ice machines be put in a freezer or in a separate area?

Some ice machines are designed to fit into a freezer while other, often larger ice machines are designed to stand on their own. Some freezers come with ice machines pre-installed.

How do you treat a strained muscle in dogs?

Heat or/and ice packs and rest. physical exeercize/therapy in small doses once the pain subsides gets them back to good.