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Q: How often to spray fig trees to keep bugs away?
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How do you get pesticides on the sims 2 seasons?

Your Sims actually already have pesticides on their person. Just click on any of the plants or trees and click on Spray. Your Sim will begin spraying the bugs away from their plants. Your Sims actually already have pesticides on their person. Just click on any of the plants or trees and click on Spray. Your Sim will begin spraying the bugs away from their plants.

What do you spray on cotton to keep bugs away?

pesticide- it depends on state regualtions and what bugs you have in that area what type/brand you use

Plantsimism in The Sims 2?

to turn them into one get trees and when it gives your sims an option to spray the trees for bugs do that many times. then your sim should turn into a plantsim.

How do you use pestilential in a sentence?

The pestilential spray killed the bugs right away. Hope this helps ^_^

What is the name of a spray can that begins with a?

Antiacids Spray. For bugs mostly.

How do you kill bugs on a hat?

Bug spray. Bug spray.

Can boxelder trees be sprayed for bugs?

Yes, boxelder trees can be sprayed for bugs. The trees in question (Acer negundo) tend to be sturdy woody plants whose main problem is the above-ground root-heaving that typifies maples. The low trunk and the stocky main branches will make it easy for arborists to prune and to spray.

Can Weed and Feed be used in the yard even though whitetail deer visit often?

yes we have a deer that comes every night and we spray for bugs and weeds regularly. I spray concentrate for bugs every other week since my baby is allergic to mosquitoes

Works with bugs?

Bug spray

What substance that redwood trees contain benefits them in many ways?

Tannin is the substance found in Redwood Trees that benefits them. The tannin helps to keep bugs and fungi away.

How can you keep bugs out of your house?

spray with poison

What should you do about bed bugs?

bug spray or a shoe, get them, if youre infested, then spray bug spray around the house.