

How often would you water your carnation plant?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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Water your carnation at least twice a week unless there is rain.

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Q: How often would you water your carnation plant?
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A white carnation crossed with a red carnation makes a pink carnation.

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Generally, no it would not be able to survive solely on misted water. Unless the ground around the base of the plant is misted much more often, the plant would most likely shrivel up, and die.

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Yes you can use any type of milk on cereal. You would add water to evaporated milk to give it the thinner consistency of fresh milk, but it will taste different.

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No! That would kill the plant. Water is essential for the plant to live.

How can the lack of water in an environment affect the amount of carbon dioxide absorbed by the plant?

Les carbon dioxide would be taken in and the stoma would close more often to hold on to the water the plant has. Water is split to replace electrons lost from chlorophyll excitation by photons, so, not having a sufficient supply of water would greatly slow the photosynthetic process. Not to mention the turgidity problems lack of water would exacerbate. So, with the stoma closed more often less CO2 would diffuse into the leaf.

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Then you would have a red carnation.

Would it be possible to change a white carnation 3 or 4 colors how?

Put different food coloring in jar (you can add water if you want lighter color) then take a carnation and split the stem into however many jar of coloring you have. Stick part of a stem in each jar then leave it for a couple hours. This is called colorful carnation if you would like to look it up on the internet. Or go to

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yes it does without food and water the plant would OF COURSE IT WOULD DIE

When does loss of turgor happen?

Turgor would be lost when a plant loses water. Salt water can cause water to move out of plant cells and the plant would wilt.

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Since salt water is hypertonic to the plant cell, the water would move into the hypertonic solution (extracellular) and out of the hypotonic plant cell. The cells would lose water and it would die.

Can a carnation go outside in the winter?

Carnations would suffer from the cold. So if your winter is cold, then the carnation will die eventually if you stay outside long enough.