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Within a few hours of being born.

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Q: How old are kittens purr when they purr?
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How old do kittens start to purr?

After they are about 3 weeks old. I just got a new baby kitten.

Do kittens purr while in mothers womb?

Kittens may per while in the mother's womb, during the late stages of gestation. In most cases, kittens do not make any noises in the mothers womb.

How do you make a cat purr?

Cats are a lovely pet creature. The main reason what makes them purr is, when cats purr they are actually trying to communicate. Cats also purr when especially people pet them. Cats also purr when eating. It is believed according to research that female cats purr when they give birth. Some nursing cats also purr as a means to communicate with their kittens. When cats try to communicate with people, they purr in order to show some affection and try to extend friendship. Research also has proved that other than this, cats when they are in a bad condition such as when they are hurt or are about to die, they do this purring noise in order to signal us about their condition. It should be known that when cats purr, it is also a signal that they are telling us they aren't a threat.

How do you purr?

Humans do not purr.

Why do cats purr?

Indications are that cats don't purr only when they are content and happy. They also purr during tense moments, or even through trauma. When suddenly and violently injured, even near death, a cat will often purr. It has been suggested that it's a self-calming action, so they may even purr when they're scared or hurt. Scientific research suggests that purring releases endorphins, which are natural analgesics that reduce pain during the healing process.However, cats also purr during peaceful or happy moments. Kittens instinctively purr when they are nursing; some cats purr when they anticipate their next meal; and it's well-known how a cat will purr when seated contentedly in its owner's lap. It is believed that, being blind and deaf at birth, the original function of purring was to enable a kitten to communicate with his mother. It communicates via this deep rumbling, and it can feel its mother communicating back via the same stay alive and not die

Related questions

How old do kittens start to purr?

After they are about 3 weeks old. I just got a new baby kitten.

What do kittens do when they are first born?

they purr, lick thier hand, and throw up on you.

Can you get more cats in purr pals?

yes,if you get much money to adopt more kittens.

On purr pals can your cat have kittens?

no. i had it for 1 1/2 years and nothin happend

Why does a car purr?

Most people think that cats/kitten purr when they are happy. Actually cats/kittens purr when u pet them because it means they are not threatened by you it doesn't actually mean they are happy

Why do kittens pure?

I think that they purr to show that they are happy. I tried to ask my kitten the answer, but she wouldn't tell me.

Our 8 week old kitten purred when it was adopted and was pet but now only purrs when around the other older female cat why wont it purr for us anymore?

Cats/Kittens do not only purr when they are happy, they also purr when they are bored, annoyed or angry so your kitten might not actually like the cat. But as to why your kitten does not purr to you I do not really know. Some kittens have such a soft purr you can not hear it unless you feel its throat. But it may just not feel affectionate, try putting your kitten in a nice sunny spot and then pet it, you never know! Is the kitten a male/ has it been neutered. you older cat might have been in heat and now it is not.

Do kittens purr while in mothers womb?

Kittens may per while in the mother's womb, during the late stages of gestation. In most cases, kittens do not make any noises in the mothers womb.

Do cats purr all the time without petting them?

Kittens will purr when happy or to comfort themselves.

Do cats purr when they are depressed?

Yes, actually they can purr when they are depressed, sick, or hurt. Some people think it's soothing for them - their mothers purred to them when they were kittens, and yes, they do purr when they're happy. See the Related Links for a good article about it.

What is a verb for a house cat?

: Meowing : Gnawing : Scratching : Jumping : Playing

When a cat has kittens how long can it stay gone?

That depends how old the kittens are.