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Q: How old are red foxes when left to fend for themselves?
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How old are baby garter snakes when they can be on their own?

Baby garter snakes fend for themselves from the moment they are born.

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Birds look after their young in their nests until they are old enough to leave their nest and fend for themselves.

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Snakes Lay eggs just like birds Im unsure of how long the time is of until the hatch.

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A kitten is concidered little until they can fend for themselves. Once that time occurs then they have reached the "toddler" stage.

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Yes, once the young ones are old enough to fend for themselves.

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When a Spartan son turned 7 he was sent up into the mountains with the other spartan boys to fend for themselves as it were. They returned when they were 15 years old.

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Dolphins that call the Antarctic region home are mammals. They give birth to live young and nurture their young until they are old enough to fend for themselves.

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White bengal tiger cubs stay with their parents until they are approximately 2 to 3 years old. The parents protect and feed them until they are old enough to fend for themselves.

How old are red foxes when they have babies?

Female red foxes will have their first litter of kits when they are barely a year old.

How old is Foxes?

Foxes (Louisa Rose Allen) is 24 years old. She was born on 29 April 1989.

Does a platypus hunt in groups?

No. Platypuses are completely solitary animals, living and hunting alone. At most, they only ever live in family groups, and that is only until the juveniles are old enough to leave the burrow and fend for themselves.

How do giraffes show territorial behavior?

All mammals, including giraffes, care for their young. They have to be fed milk by their mother and are protected until they are old enough to be alone.