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If it wasn't precribed for you, don't take it. There are many dangerous side affects. Do a search for Lexapro. All prescription medicine should be thrown away after one year. The chemicals change and they could become more (or less) potent.

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Q: How old can a filled prescription of lexapro be and still be safe to take?
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If a prescription of hydro PC 11 was filled in 2002 is it still safe to take for cough?

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How can you get Lexapro without insurance?

Lexapro (Escitalopram) is a Non-controlled medication. I would say, Better you get the suggestion from your Doctor. Because none other than Doctor would know well about the medications. If the Doctor says okay, buy your Lexapro at without insurance and even without any prior written prescription.

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Yes, it is safe to use the nicotine patch and Lexapro at the same time. There are no drug-drug interactions between the two medications and there are no disease states that call for the use of nicotine patch or Lexapro that would interfere in either of the medications efficacy.

Can cats take Lexapro?

Occasionally, Lexapro is given to cats to treat depression so it is safe for them in the amount prescribed. The danger lies when overdosing occurs.

Is it safe to take Wellbutrin and Lexapro with Premarin?

Yes, but your Dr. would need to tell you if it's safe for "You" to mix them.

Can you mix vigra and Lexapro?

Yes, medically they are safe to be taken together. Obviously, you should never take a prescription other than your own as there are many risks with any medication and you should discuss them with your doctor or another healthcare professional before taking medications.

Are Adderall and Lexapro a safe combination?

If your doctor and pharmacist aren't concerned, you are probably OK.

Is it safe to take zanax to help with withdrawal from Lexapro?

Xanax can be prescribed by your doctor alongside lexapro and taking them at the same time is okay. I am on Lexapro and take Xanex for occasional bouts of anxiety or panic attacks. However, weening yourself off Lexapro with Xanex is probably not the best idea. If you are having withdrawal from Lexapro you should probably go back on it.