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Q: How old can black widow spiders become?
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Do plants attract black widow spiders?

No, Black Widow Spiders are usually attracted to dark, damp areas. If you were looking for a black widow, you'd probably find them in old tires, sheds, outhouses, stables, or perhaps underneath a porch. BWS usually do not make nests in the Sun, so if you find one in plain view, it's a rare sight. On the other hand, if you live in an area in North America that is full of trees and very rainy, chances are you'll find a lot in the forest. Black widow spiders mainly live in the southern states of north america, such as Georgia or Florida. They do not live in most northern states because they are adapted to warm, tropical weather.

Name all the spiders that have killed humans?

Old answer, WRONG. The real answer is that Australian funnel web spider, brown recluse, and long ago...... a black widow. (I didn't name all of the. :P)

How do you use venomous in a sentence?

The western-diamondback rattlesnake is one of the most venomous snakes in the world."Venomous" is an adjective. It applies to creatures like rattlesnakes and black widow spiders that inject a toxin, called a "venom," into their prey. It can also be applied by analogy to human beings."Black widow spiders are highly venomous.""There are venomous spiders and also a few non-venomous spiders.":The nuns who bled Robin Hood to death were venomous old women."

Do the black widow babies eat their mother?

No. The black widow mother sometimes eats the male after mating. There are some spiders that time the development of their eggs and young so that the babies are present at the time of the natural death of the mother due to old age. It is said that these mothers actually encourage their young to eat them. Black widows can raise several broods of babies.

Are spiders unisexual or bisexual?

No. When a female black widow spider is looking for a mate, well she finds one and mates it. Then she eventually eats him! (most species of female spiders do this- they are bigger than the males as well). The female black widow spider uses the male one just to make babies. Then they are off-unless the female is hungry! So, black widows are not asexual. By the way, I am female and 13 years old and I love spiders. Plus, I am also learning about sexual reproduction and all that sex stuff in 7th grade science now-anyway, hope this made sense to you!

What environments can red spiders be found in?

1. flowers 2. soil 3. grass 4. old stuff 5. your bed (it happened to me before, a black widow spider was in my bed while sleeping, and I luckily was not bitten) 6. corners 7. playgrounds (it also happened) 8. your hand (also happened) 9. hot places=big spiders. normal=medium spiders. cold=small spiders 10. on other creatures

Where was the black widow discovered?

1805 on a Wednesday that would mean that they are 200 years old.

What is the outcome of a black widow spider bite?

Reactions to a black widow spider bite are fairly random, ranging from mild to severe pain. It rarely causes death in people, and only the very old and the very young are likely to get serious injury from it.

How old is the black widow spider when they leave there parent?

Well one day they get high and just sort of wander off...

What do stars do when they get old?

Some stars become a black hole or a black dwarf.

Do spiders get sick?

Spiders do get sick when the MOTHERS HAVE their babies or when the weather is bad or when they are old.

What is an old and dusty spiders trap called?

Once the spiders web is old and dusty it is called a cobweb. From cob (old English for spider) and web.