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The incubation period (the time from exposure to the disease to developing the first symptoms) is 14 to 16 days.

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babys can catch a cold at any age!

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Any baby can get chickenpox, although protective antibodies from the baby's mother lower the risk in the youngest babies.

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Q: How old could a baby be to catch chickenpox?
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Related questions

Who would heal faster with chickenpox a 4 month old baby or an adult?

A baby would heal faster with chickenpox than an adult, in general.

Will your baby be okay if he gets chickenpox at six weeks old?

The baby can be risk for still birth.

Is a 78 year old person at risk mixing with someone with chickenpox?

If the older adult has had chickenpox or the vaccine, there is no additional risk from exposure to chickenpox. If not, the person should avoid contact with the chickenpox patient.

What happens if you get the chickenpox at a very old age?

Getting chickenpox as an adult has a higher risk of complications and death.

How old do you have to be for hair extensions?

You could be a baby.

What vaccines for chickenpox are recommended for children between birth and 2 months?

Chickenpox vaccine is not given to children under 12 months old.

You were born in 1982 does it make sense that you took the chickenpox vaccine awhen you were 2 years old?

Chickenpox was not in use in the US until 1995.

Can shingles run in families?

You catch shingles in old age because you had chicken pox as a child. Children catch chicken pox from other children with chicken pox or from old people with shingles. While no one inherits shingles, it may seem that way because children who caught chicken pox from their grandparents with shingles will give chicken pox to their grandchildren when they get old and get shingles unless the grandchildren get a vaccination for chickenpox.

Can your 7 month old baby have ice cream?

No, you should not feed your baby anything other than the recommended foods for your baby's age; this is because the baby could have, or could develop allergies.

What are the old world?

smallpox, measles, chickenpox, influenza, malaria and yellow fever

How old was baby Kaely when she started rapid?

she was rapin when she could talk

How do you kill chickenpox virus?

Bleach solution and other typical disinfectants are more than enough to kill chickenpox virus on surfaces.