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Chickenpox vaccine is not given to children under 12 months old.

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Q: What vaccines for chickenpox are recommended for children between birth and 2 months?
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Is there is relation between penicillin and chickenpox in animals?

Both animals and penicillin are unrelated to chickenpox. Animals do not get chickenpox, other than humans and a few primates. Penicillin does not cause or cure chickenpox.

Why are you still not immune to chickenpox after two vaccines?

People who have chickenpox normally develop immunity that lasts throughout their life, and they are unlikely to get chickenpox a second time. It is possible for a person who had chickenpox earlier to get shingles, a related disease that affects between one fifth and one third of those who had chickenpox earlier.

What is the difference between vaccines and medications?

Vaccines prevent diseases, medications treat them.

How many vaccines does a 10 year old need?

21 vaccines before the age of six, and generally 6 more before the age of 18, for a total of 27 in childhood. Some vaccines are given multiple times (for example, the DTaP - diptheria, tetanus, and pertussis - is given 5 times).

Are there any victims for chickenpox?

Yes. Each year, about 4 million people will get chickenpox. Between 10,500 & 13,000 people will be hospitalized, & 100 to 150 people will die because of chickenpox.

How do you stop chickenpox from spreading?

The chickenpox vaccine is the best way to prevent chickenpox. The chickenpox vaccine is recommended for :· Young children. Children between 12 months and 12 years should receive two doses of the chickenpox vaccine.· Unvaccinated older children. Children ages 7 to 12 years who haven't been vaccinated should receive two catch-up doses of the chickenpox vaccine, given at least three months apart. Children age 13 or older who haven't been vaccinated should also receive two catch-up doses of the vaccine, given at least four weeks apart.· Unvaccinated adults who've never had chickenpox .Adults who've never had chickenpox or been vaccinated usually receive two doses of the vaccine, four to eight weeks apart. If you don't remember whether you've had chickenpox or the vaccine, a blood test can determine your immunity.

What is the difference between AIDS and chickenpox?

Aids is caught by having sex with a infected person, or having infected blood.while chickenpox is coght from the air or viral.

Are chickenpox antibody and shingles antibody the same?

Chickenpox and shingles result from the same virus, and generate the same antibodies. There is no difference between chickenpox antibody and shingles antibody, and there is only one test (varicella virus antibody) for both.

What is the daily recommended amount of carbs?

The daily recommended amount of carbohydrates differs between the genders and age groups. The recommended daily amount of carbohydrates for children is 220 g, for women it is 230 g and for men it is 300 g.

How long after being exposed to shingles will you get it?

IF you're going to get chickenpox from a shingles exposure, it would take between 10 and 21 days to get chickenpox. You'd have to never have had chickenpox before to get shingles, however, even if you'd never had chickenpox, you still might not catch them from being exposed to shingles.

How was chickenpox discovered?

Discoveries about chickenpox have been ongoing for over a thousand years:Chickenpox was described clinically by a Persian scholar, Muhammad ibn Zakariya Razi, the ninth century. He didn't differentiate between chickenpox and smallpox, though.Giovanni Filippo of Italy differentiated between chickenpox and scarlet fever in the sixteenth century.In the 17th century, an English physician, Morton, called a disease "chickenpox" that seemed to be a less dangerous form of smallpox.In the 18th century, another Englishman proved that smallpox and chickenpox were different diseases.In the late 19th century, the relationship of chickenpox and herpes zoster was established, and a scientist named Steiner proved that it was an infectious disease.The link between chickenpox and herpes zoster was proven in the 1950s.Live weakened chickenpox vaccine was invented in the 1970s. The vaccine was approved for use in March 1995 in the US.The first anti-herpes medication, acyclovir, was invented in the 1980s.

What is the difference between vaccine and antibodies?

Salman Khaliq Bajwa from PAF-KIET The difference between antibodies and vaccines are; 1. Antibodies are micro organisms in our body for our defense. Vaccines are diluted living or dead antigens. 2. Antibodies are natural. Vaccines are artificial, 3. Antibodies kill the bacteria, viruses and toxic substances in our body. Vaccines does not kill but it actually activates the antibodies in our body.