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* Pitt bull like other dogs can be given away fom the time when they to start to eat on theyr own and don't need mothers milk anymore.

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Q: How old do a pitbull puppy can be given to someone?
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Related questions

How is too old to get a pitbul puppy?

don't get a pitbull pup they grow into dangerous dogs

How muscular should my 8 month old pitbull be?

its all in the genetics really but an 8 month old is still a puppy.

At what age can you walk a pitbull puppy?

I wouldn't take any puppy out until they are 4 months old and have had all their shots, they can get parvo from the ground and it is deadly.

Can you feed a 2 month old pitbull raw egg?

No, it would cause stomach pains to the puppy

How much does a six week old pitbull puppy weigh?

They should weigh between 3-5 pounds

What should you feed a 5 week old puppie pitbull?

i recommend a cup Advance puppy food mixed with a few tablespoons Advance puppy mince

Why would your 9 week old puppy pitbull be throwin up?

it could be a simplicity or a symptom of something worthy of visiting a vet.

Your 13 week old pitbull puppy has blue eyes will they stay that color or will they change?

they will change. its rare for there eyes to stay blue.

My 3 month Old Pitbull Puppy is vomiting not eating or drinking and has Diarrhea Help?

You should have it screened for lymphoma. The symptoms you described are some of the symptoms for lymphoma.

Why can't your 4month old puppy won't stand up?

I don't own a 4 month old puppy. Perhaps you have mistaken me for someone else?

Can you feed your 2 month old pitbull milk?

No please don`t give puppies milk it gives them worms.Just give puppy food and fresh water everyday.

How old are guide dog puppies when they are given to puppy raisers?

Usually between 6 and 8 weeks.