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It doesn't really matter how old, as long as they're not babies.

And hermit crabs cannot get pregnant and have babies in captivity, they need the ocean (because of the tide) to have babies.

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13y ago

In cativity they can live up to 30 years and in the wild up to 50. Though one's you keep for pets, on average live about 2-5 years.

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What do hermit crabs stay in?

Hermit crabs love a large area with lots of space to play in and plenty to climb on an old aquariam tank is perfect for hermit crab/s

Does it harm hermit crabs if you give them something old?

yes it does

What do hermit crabs eat and do mini hermit crabs still need to change their shells?

Sometimes it is because they outgrow the old one. They spend most of their lives looking for the perfect shell!

What kind of water do hermit crabs need to drink and bathe in?

You can bathe your hermies in hermit crab salt which you can find at petsmart.also if you have small crabs put a sponge in the water dish the water temp should be 60 to 70 I've been raising hermit crabs for 30 years in my old crab is 30 years old

How old can a hermit crabs get?

Up to 15 years in capitivty. The oldest one is 28 years old.

How old are hermit crabs when they die?

A hermit crab can die at any time during their life, however, it is known that crabs live anywhere from 30-50 years in the wild. Carol of Crabworks has had her crabs, John and Kate for over 30 years.

Does hermit crabs live very long?

In captivity hermit crabs can live longer than 6 years, mine are 3 years old. To learn how to take care of them please follow the link below thanks :)

Why do hermit crabs shed their skin?

Crabs shed their exoskeleton to get more space. It usually means that they have grown out of their shells.

There are many types of crabs in the sea.Most of them have shells made out of chitin.however hermit crabs have shells made out of calcium carbonate where do the shells come from?

Hermit crabs are scavengers. Litterally. They scavange for food and they scavange for houses. When they outgrow their old shell they look for a larger abandoned shell. Their shell is not grown by them. It used to belong to a shellfish.

Do you need to feed your hermit crab if it bites to much?

Hermit crabs do not bite, they pinch. When a hermit crab pinches you that means that they are intimidated and stressed out, and possibly hungry. In your crabitat there should always be fresh food available to your hermit crab so it does not starve. My hermit crabs are 6 years old, if you want to learn how to PROPERLY CARE FOR A HERMIT CRAB, visit

How do hermit crabs urinate?

Hermit crabs do not 'go to the bathroom'. In other words hermit crabs DO NOT POO. I have had hermit crabs, and I know they definitely don't poo. Hermit crabs use all the energy and nutrients from their food and turn it into vitamins for the body. Hermit crabs are great pets, as there is no stinky poo to clean out!!!

What is a life span of a hermit crab?

If you treat crabs right they can live up to 20 years old. Most live ten