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15 to 20 years, but girls always live longer than boys.

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15y ago

Most species of otters leave their mothers after a year; however, they usually do not reach maturity until two years of age.

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10y ago

Otters can live up to 25 years. But, the average life span is 10 to 12 yeas.

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2 1/2 years old

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12y ago

between 5 to 8 mouths

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Q: How old do polar bears have to be to live on their own?
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How old do polar bears have to be to go out on their own?

They are usually independent by age two.

How old are bears when they live on their own?

3 years

Do polar bears eat ice?

No. Polar bears do not eat penguins because they live in completely separate parts of the world.Penguins live along coastlines throughout the southern hemisphere and around Antarctica, not the Arctic. Polar bears live in the Arctic, or the circumpolar North, and they do not venture into the temperate zones as many species of penguins do.Quite simply, polar bears and penguins never meet.Polar bears mainly eat seals. They are capable of eating penguins, but most penguins live in the Antarctic region while polar bears live in the arctic.Children have been mislead due to modern computer and video games that show penguins defending their own against polar bears. Remember kids, when in doubt go to your local library, have an adult to help you find the answers.No. Polar bears live in the Arctic region, where penguins are not found.No. Penguins and polar bears live in opposite poles of each other. Polar bears live at the North Pole or Arctic, and penguins live at the South Pole or Antarctica.Polar bears are native to the Arctic, penguins to the Antarctic. So no they do nottechnically poler bears do not eat penguins, they find fish in the water, probably dead by the coldness of water.

Why do hunters kill polar bears?

They kill Polar bears due to their own ignorance. The Polar bear population was listed as "threatened" by the US Department of the Interior in 2008.

Why don't penguins and Polar bears live together?

Polar bears and Penguins do not live in the same place. Polar Bears can be found in the Arctic, in the northern hemisphere, whereas all seventeen species of penguin are found in the the southern hemisphere. They can not live together as each one is adapted to survive in its own climate and habitat and those habitats can be as far apart as the ends of the world.

Do polar bears parent - care for their young?

Yes they do parent their little cubs until they reach 12 months old then they are old enough to go out on their own.

Do warm climate zoos own polar bears?


How long ago did polar bears evolve into their own species?

They went to a different enviornment!!!!! Polar bears evolved from brown bears approximately 3 million years ago

What is the most interesting thing about polar bears?

that they are independent and live on there own not with others even family also there fur is perfect camaflage for snow

When do polar bears turn pink?

because a Polar Bears fur is not actually white it is the suns reflection on the bear that makes it look like that

Do polar bears live on their own?

alone Adult Polar Bears are solitary animals, except for mothers with young and breeding pairs who meet up for the mating and them go their own ways. The female will stay with her cubs until they are fully grown. Young adult males and females, spend considerable time interacting in social play, developing fighting skills and establishing hierarchy.

How are polar bears beautiful?

Polar bears are impressively well designed for the ecological role that they fill, and some people find that beautiful. But beauty is a subjective judgment, so you are free to make your own decision about the beauty of polar bears.