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Q: How old do you have to be to get funded for your company?
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What company funded funded Jamestown?

The Virginia Company of London funded the Jamestown settlement in 1607. It was a joint-stock company established for the purpose of establishing colonies in the New World.

What company funded the first computer?

ABC - funded by university grant.Harvard Mark I - funded by IBM and US Navy.ENIAC - funded by US Army.SSEC - funded by IBM.EDSAC - funded by university grant & Lyons.LEO - funded by Lyons (a british cookie and tea company).EDVAC - funded by US Army.IAS - funded by university grant.UNIVAC I - funded by Remington Rand.

Who was henry hudsons employer?

Henry Hudson's expeditions were funded by different companies. The first two expeditions of 1607 and 1608 were funded by the English trading company named the Muscovy Company. The third expedition in 1609 was funded by the Dutch East India Company.

How private company are funded?

A private company is funded by its own profits, through bank loans, and through a relatively small number of owners or share holders.

The funding for the founding of virgina came from a company?

The founding of Virginia was funded by the "Virginia company" in 1607.

Who paid for hudsons journey?

His 1610 trip was funded by the Virginia Company, in addition to the British East India Company.

Who funded the settlement of new Netherlands?

Dutch West Indie Company

How does My Coke Rewards get money?

The program is sponsored and funded by The Coca-Cola Company.

Is NASA privately owned?

NASA likes to say they are federally funded and as far as they will go. but the truth is, they are a privately held federally funded company. They are not a federal agency.

Who made the mp40?

The Erma Werke firearm company, funded by the German Army (Wehrmacht).

Is medicare an insurance company?

No. It is health cost payment program funded by the US Govt.

How was Jamestown funded?

It was funded by an investment company. The 104 men were sent to look for gold and to bring a profit for the company. It was not founded to create a colony, but they picked the worse land to build a fort on in the whole area. The water was bad, the mosquitos carried disease, they set up camp in a Native American empire of 15,000, a Spanish spy was with them, and they didn't plant crops. Within 6 months only 34 men were alive and disease/starvation took their toll.