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I think you should be able to live on your own when you turn 14 or 15. not 17 or 18. that's way to old. they should change the rule.

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15y ago

if you mean like, move out forever 18. if you mean walking down the sidewalk or something, any age your parent lets you.

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Q: How old do you have to be to live by yourself?
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It depends on the state in which you live, but generally, it's 18 years old.

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NO! You cant live by yourself until you are 17 that is if you have money to go live on your own

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You should be healthy and work out until you get to old to do that.That's why you should watch yourself so you can live up to this age.

How old do you have to be to yourself?

Depends on where you live. The age to seek emancipation with the court is usually 16 but can be younger. You will have to have a place to live and be able to pay your bills, have a job etc.

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Stupid questen here. However.. I am 16 years old, live in Denmark, and study Maths/IT.

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get have to get a job and show you can support yourself and have a place to live

When can you move out?

You can move out when you are legally an adult or when you are able to provide everything that you need for yourself and your parents are OK with you leaving. The state you live in determines when you are old enough to live in your own.

When you move?

You can move out when you are legally an adult or when you are able to provide everything that you need for yourself and your parents are OK with you leaving. The state you live in determines when you are old enough to live in your own.

When can you move?

You can move out when you are legally an adult or when you are able to provide everything that you need for yourself and your parents are OK with you leaving. The state you live in determines when you are old enough to live in your own.

If im 16 years old and live with your mom can you leave to live with your grandma instead without her consent. If your mom doesnt let you leave because she has custody of me.How old to you have to be?

You have to be 18 to leave by yourself. Nebraska is 19.

What is the difference between tell you about urself and introduce urself?

That is a very good question... This is what i think it means... Introduce yourself: Hi I'm... I'm... years old About yourself: Hi I'm... I'm... years old I live at... I have...children etc... I think that introducing yourself is just the very basics and about yourself is more open . That's what i think anyway

Should a ten year old weigh 65 pounds?

That is the weight for a perfectly healthy ten year old. dont worry about yourself. you will live a long happy lige