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A person of any age, if exposed to the virus, can be infected.

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Q: How old do you have to be to not get aids?
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When can you get aids?

you can have aids anytime it doesnt matter how old you are

Are there aids in Ghana?

yes, I have a little sister from Ghana, and she has AIDS. She is only 12 years old.

How old was jenny gump when she died?

She was 37 years old, She had AIDS.

What are the top ten disease related deaths in the UK?

the answer is aids btw ambers next to me im and we are in it XD

How old was drake bell when he found out he has aids?


How do you get HIV aids and how old do you have to be to get HIV aids?

you get aids when an infected person introduces the virus into any living tissue of yours. aids is not a respecter of man as in law. it affects any body provided you avail yourself to its causes.

Can a 9 year old have aids?

yes i know it is shocking

What is the polity in the African Methodist Episocal church?

Aids aids aids aids aids aids aids aids aids aids aids aids aids aids aids aids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What are the three common medications used for AIDS?

Doing a presentation for school. A sixteen yr old girl has AIDS what three medications she takes for her treatment.

Why has my 2 year old Child got a rash on his hairline?

Because he has AIDS.

What cause Ivan pavlov died?

he died of aids at 65 years old

Why would someone need to buy hearing aids?

There are many reasons why one would need to buy hearing aids. One might need to buy hearing aids because they have trouble hearing due to their old age.