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Pretty well any age, really. Bobby calves (those that are a few days old) can be sold for veal (but this is primarily limited to dairy, not beef cattle). Baby beef calves are those that are from 1 to 6 months of age. Beef steers/heifers/bulls can be slaughtered/sold between 6 and 18 months of age, if your purpose is for beef production.

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Q: How old does a calf have to be before selling?
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What is it called when a calf dies before it is born?

Such a calf is called a stillborn calf.

How old is a calf with 4 teeth?

A calf with only four teeth is a newborn calf, or one that is just a day or two old.

How old does a calf need to be before weaning off bottle?

Around 3 to 4 months of age.

How old is a 600 pound calf?

Depends on the breed and body condition of the calf. A 600 lb Jersey calf can be around 7 to 8 months old, whereas a 600 lb miniature calf may not be a calf at all, but a 15 month old heifer or bull. A soggy Angus calf at 600 lbs may be at around 5 to 6 months of age.

What is the difference between a calf and a whale?

A newborn whale is called a calf. It will be called a calf until it is old enough to leave its mother.

When does a feedav calf get its hair?

There is no such thing as a "feedav" calf. However, a feeder calf, gets its hair a month or so before it's born and before it is declared a feeder calf. Calves are born with hair and retain their hair coats throughout their lifetime.

How old should a calf weigh before it can be ridden by a child?

The calf should be trained first. I definitely would not advise anybody to have their child ride a calf; only a tamed/trained adult animal is best. So with that I don't think it's worth answering your question, sorry.

How do you tell the age of your calf?

The most accurate way to tell the age of your calf is by looking at his front teeth. A newborn calf will have no teeth; a week old calf will only have maybe one or two teeth that have popped up already; a 1 month old calf will have all 8 lower incisors already.

How old is tuf cooper the calf roper?

20 years old

What is the Average weight of a 1 month old beef calf?

That all depends on what breed that beef calf is. A 1 month old beef calf can weigh anywhere from 80 lbs to over 200 lbs or more.

What pain relief can i give to a week old calf?

It really depends on what the problem is, you can administer some "cow Tylenol". Refer to your veterinarian before giving the calf anything, and carefully read labels they will also tell you if you can administer and what dosages to give.

How long is a cow a heifer?

A cow is a mature female bovine that has had a calf. She was a heifer before she had her first or second calf.