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A calf should be at least 3 months of age before you can deworm it.

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11y ago

The question is, do they need it? Is it necessary for the calves to receive deworming? It can be good to deworm them if it's the right time of year to do so.

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11y ago

If the dam has been dewormed before the calf was born, there's no need to worry. Otherwise, almost any age is safe for a calf. Just check the label of the deworming medicine to make sure.

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Q: At what age should a newborn calf get wormed?
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How do you tell the age of your calf?

The most accurate way to tell the age of your calf is by looking at his front teeth. A newborn calf will have no teeth; a week old calf will only have maybe one or two teeth that have popped up already; a 1 month old calf will have all 8 lower incisors already.

What age should a foal be de-wormed for the first time?

I start mine at 2 or 3 months.

What appearances should you look for to judge the age of a calf?

Look for how much the calf has filled out in its frame, body to leg-height ratio, and weight gain. You can also look at a calf's teeth to tell its age.

How many pints of milk should a baby calf drink in a day?

That all depends on the age and weight of the calf. Typically a calf should recieve 10% of its body weight in milk replacer per day.

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It depends on the age of the calf and the pig. If we're comparing a mature pig (let's say a boar) with a newborn calf, the pig will weigh more. However, if we're comparing a weaned Continental calf (say, Charolais) with a weaned gilt or barrow, then the calf would weigh more.

Whole milk should give to calf after how many days?

A calf should be given milk (non-pasteurized) until it is around 3 months of age, not after so many days.

What is the average weight of a Holstein calf?

Depends on its sex and age. Older calves weigh more than younger or newborn calves; male calves weigh more than female calves.

Can you wean a calf at 6 weeks old?

No. This is too early to wean a calf. If it's on the bottle, it should be weaned at around 3 to 4 months of age.

How old should a dairy bull calf be weaned from the bottle?

He should be weaned at around 3 to 4 months of age.

At what age should a foal be de-wormed for the first time?

It is recommended by most veterinarians to de-worm a foal when they are 6 to 8 weeks of age. The de-worming should be given every 2 months in warm weather.

What special health needs does a calf have?

A newborn calf should have colostrum as soon as it is born, because it contains antibodies and immunoglobins that are crucial to the calf's health and immunity to the mass of bacteria and viruses floating around that could make a calf sick. There is a 90% chance that the calf will not survive if he does not get colostrum soon after birth. A calf also relies on milk for the next 3 to 6 months since his stomach isn't developed enough to live off of grass and hay alone. Other slightly lesser important things include a shot of vitamin A, D, and E, and Selenium (only if the area is Se-deficient), and other vitamins and minerals that may be needed. Later on, when the calf is around 8 to 16 weeks of age, an 8- or 9-way clostridium vaccine should be given, and when the calf's around 6 months of age, a vaccination of IBR/BVD. You should have vaccinated the cow prior to her giving birth so that you don't have to vaccinate the calf, as often it's cheaper and better to vaccinate the cow a few months before she gives birth.

Can a calf come into heat if it is still nursing it's mother?

Depends on the age of the calf or "calf" in question! Majority of the time calves should be weaned and separated from each other before they have a chance to start going into puberty and go into heat. Weaning age is or should be between 6 to 10 months of age. Some herds that are highly fertile are likely to have heifer calves going into heat before they are weaned, which could be as early as 3 to 4 months of age, which may be kind of scary for a producer because of the potential for that calf to have problems--due to small pelvic size--giving birth to a calf!