

How old does a dog have to be for you to train it?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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16y ago

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You should start training you dog at the age of 6 to 8 weeks, as long as it is weened from it mother.

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Q: How old does a dog have to be for you to train it?
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How do you train a old dog?

it does not really matter how old the dog is, if you dog reacts to food use chicken or cheese or if they prefer use their favourite toy to train em.My opinion is obedience school.

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Can you potty train a 7 year old dog?

Get dog mats, take your dog outside frequently, and reward your dog every time it uses the dog mat.

Can dogs be hard to train?

depends on what dog you are talking about and how old it is

Is it hard to train a three year old dog?

No. With consistency and proper training methods, tools and rewards, a 3 year old dog is sometimes easier to train than a puppy.

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to train go to a professional trainer and take their tips

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do it when there young ! it's hard to train a dog out of their old habits. ive had 2. one was super well trained. my 6 year old one right now, is not D:

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You cannot train a 3-year old boxer that is not a house dog not to run away. Dogs chase things, it is instinct for them. You have to provide the dog with a secure yard that it cannot get out of in order to keep the dog safe.

Can you potty train a dog 6 months old?

yes you can it will take awhile though.

When was How to Train a Dog created?

How to Train a Dog was created in 1936.

How do you train a one year old dog that has been abused To being a police dog?

Easy get the training stuff from the store and then get the treats so you can treat your dog when it is good

When to train a Great Dane?

You can train a Great Dane as early as 6 months old. The first training that a dog should undergo is the potty training.