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I first bathed my APBT puppy at 10 weeks. Make sure that it isn't within the first few weeks of any surgery (i.e. spay/neuter) so it doesn't dissolve the stitches or cause infection. Do not over bathe the dog.. puppies get dirty and messy easily, too frequent bathing will cause dry skin and itching. (speaking from experience) I suggest using a gentle puppy type of shampoo, or even something with aloe or oatmeal in it to help combat any dry skin situations. Do not use people shampoo! I would bathe it every 1-2 months if it is an indoor dog, and then between baths use puppy wipes or baby wipes to clean / freshen it up! Those work wonders. Pitbulls typically aren't fond of water, so talk to the puppy and be reassuring to make it a less traumatic experience for them. My dog is over 5 years old now, and when I speak of giving her a bath, I have to spell the word so that she doesn't hide under the bed. Starting out young will get them familiar with the process and comfortable having it done on a consistant basis. I first bathed my APBT puppy at 10 weeks. Make sure that it isn't within the first few weeks of any surgery (i.e. spay/neuter) so it doesn't dissolve the stitches or cause infection. Do not over bathe the dog.. puppies get dirty and messy easily, too frequent bathing will cause dry skin and itching. (speaking from experience) I suggest using a gentle puppy type of shampoo, or even something with aloe or oatmeal in it to help combat any dry skin situations. Do not use people shampoo! I would bathe it every 1-2 months if it is an indoor dog, and then between baths use puppy wipes or baby wipes to clean / freshen it up! Those work wonders. Pitbulls typically aren't fond of water, so talk to the puppy and be reassuring to make it a less traumatic experience for them. My dog is over 5 years old now, and when I speak of giving her a bath, I have to spell the word so that she doesn't hide under the bed. Starting out young will get them familiar with the process and comfortable having it done on a consistant basis.

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Q: How old does a pit bull puppy need to be for there first bath?
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Can a bath get a dog sick?

If you need to ask this wash your puppy less and take him to the vet

When you can give your puppy a bath?

i wouldn't give it a bath until at least a year and a half and make sure its warm not hot or not cold. another writer--I disagree, I don't think you have to wait until it is a year and a half. You can bathe them when they are a few weeks old. On the other hand, dogs don't need a bath every day like people. You don't need to bathe your puppy unless he gets dirty. I do agree that the water should be warm, not hot or cold, and also when you dry him a human hair drier on the hot setting is too hot for your dog. I like to bathe mine in hot weather, towel dry them and then let them dry themselves in the sun.

Can you bath a puppy?

Of course you can. There is one thing you need to be aware of though, you're puppy may run out of the tub and around the house wet and you will be running around the house catching him like crazy.

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Band aids

How old does a bichon puppy have to be to get its first bath?

A puppy's first bath should be given when it is at least 2 months old -- and only if completely necessary. If a sponge bath would suffice, then do that instead. It is very important that you keep the puppy warm so use lukewarm water and mild baby shampoo for the bath. Afterwards, make sure that you dry him off completely. and remember that if you bath it to early it could become very ill, but dont worry thankyou for your consern bye from xxmolxx10

When can newborn puppies have their first bath?

No. Just take a warm wash cloth, with excess water squeezed out, and wipe down and dry well. However; there really shouldn't be a need for any of this, as the mother will clean them very well. Puppies can also have a bath when they are about 6 months old. BUT BE GENTLE!!!!!!!!!

What type of grooming does a pit bull need?

Pit Bulls need very little grooming. I give mine a bath once a month or so and brush them once a week. (Not that they need brushing, but they sure do love it!)

Can you can the mother's milk for a puppy?

Yes, First you will need to get a egg, some salt and a bottle

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The puppy's name is Tyke. Tyke was first introduced in "Love that Pup" in 1949. He is Spike's son who Spike cares for his every need.

You are getting a 9 wk old APBT what will she need?

assuming that the APBT means "abandoned puppy bull terrier", you will need a dogbed, doggy feeding bowls (one for water, one for food), flea powder, and lots of patience!

Is it normal for a pit bull to have one puppy?

It would be most unusual for your pit bull to have only one puppy. Sometimes if a dog is very young or very old, she may only have one puppy, but usually this only occurs in small breed dogs. It is likely that she has more puppies to deliver but is unable to deliver them. Causes may include uterine inertia or a puppy that is positioned incorrectly or too large. The more time that passes the less chance the remaining puppies will be born alive. I urge you to take her to a veterinarian as soon as possible for an examination and xray. She may need some help. She may even need a Caesarian section. For her sake and the remaining puppies you need to have her checked immediately. Dr. Suzanne Hurst

What kind of dog products does a first time puppy owner need?

A first time puppy owner will need to purchase a number of dog products for the new member of their family. These would include eating and drinking bowls, a lead, a collar, food and some toys.