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She must be at least 7 months of age before the first litter. After she has had that litter, and they have grown up and left, you may want to give her a month to recooperate. (thats just what I like to do it, it does not have to be done)

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Q: How old does a rabbit doe have to be before she cant have any more kitts?
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Why Is your female rabbit letting you run her back area and touch her back legs and hold her like a baby when she never let you before?

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Can rabbits eat straw?

yes, they can, as straw is better for bedding than 1/2 should feed your rabbit about 50% of the daily food should be hay/timothy hay/alfalfa hay (for pregnant or growing rabbits). and the other 50% should be 16-18% rabbit feed (pellets).feed resource's:*no food, cant get to the store today?answer: feed your rabbit 1 handful (NO MORE) cracked corn or oat meal (UN cooked). this should no be continued for more than 2 days!* what type of pellets should be fed?answer: -16% rabbit pellets: before shows or to slim down your rabbit.- 17% rabbit pellets: casual feed.- 18% rabbit pellets: fatten up your rabbit.*what type of hay?answer: alfalfa: pregnant or growing rabbitstimothy: to fatten up rabbitnormal 1st cut hay: casual hay feed.ALWAYS FEED YOU RABBIT TREATS AND FRUIT/ VEGGIES DAILY!thank you

What is French for rabbit?

Associate a sound with something they like, such as food or a scratch behind their ears. i.e. Whistle right before you feed them, after awhile they will come right when you whistle.

When is a cute rabbit not a rabbit any more?

When it is dead and has become maggot food.

Why is my rabbit drinking so much in winter?

If this is the first winter you've seen your rabbit doing this (drinking more water than before), then maybe it has nothing to do with the season. Rabbits sometimes drink too much water when they're sick (e.g. kidney or liver failure, or to relieve pain in the mouth). If your rabbit is drinking and/or urinating more than she used to, bring her to the special "rabbit-savvy" vet so that illness can be ruled out (or treated, if necessary).Anytime your rabbit changes behaviour, and it's not because she's sick, you should look at anything in her environment that's changed:Do you feed less fresh greens in the winter?Do you really pump up the heating?Have you switched to a pellet with higher salt content?Is your rabbit shedding?Any of these reasons could cause your rabbit to drink more water than before.

How old is a rabbit when it is weaned?

6 to 8 weeks is the time thay kits should be weaned

Is a Rabbit more related to the Gerbil or to the Hamster?

No a rabbit is not a rodent they origionate from hares they are a mammal

What is the best gender of rabbit to get if you already have a female rabbit?

If you do not want more rabbits, get a female..

Are rabbit feet like dog feet?

no rabbit feet is more like a rats feet