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some may breed by accident at a really young age but they should become sexually active at 9months

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Q: How old does a rabbit have to be able to reproduce?
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How old does a male rabbit have to be before he is able to reproduce?

rabbits are able to breed when they are 10 months old.

Can a 10yr old rabbit still breed?

A 10 year old domestic rabbit is a rarity. Average age for a domestic rabbit is 6 years. At that point they are VERY old and highly unlikely to reproduce.

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Any rabbit can reproduce when they are at least six months old. That age is when they are fully grown and mature enough.(\_/)(OvO)(,,) ::) owl invented by Animalexpet40!

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Whale sharks are sexually mature at 30 years old. This is the age at which they are able to mate and reproduce.

How do you get your rabbit pregnant without buying another rabbit?

you go to the pet shop, steal a male rabbit, make them reproduce and taa daa you go to the pet shop, steal a male rabbit, make them reproduce and taa daa

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Well, I can't guarantee a fight-free day, but they should be able to...

Does a rabbit reproduce?

yes obviously or there wouldnt be any rabbits period..

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How old do female rabbits have to be to become pregnant?

it depends on the type of rabbit. the smaller the faster the'll be able to.

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Why is menstuation important?

because when you have it you are able to reproduce.......aka having children

Is a 3 month female rabbit physically old enough to put with a randy 6 month male?

Both male and rabbits can reproduce after only 6 months after birth.