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I got mine when it was 6 weeks old, it was still living with its familly but he was GREAT when he got used to his new home. So i would think about 6 weeks

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Q: How old dose a baby rabbit have to be to go to a different home?
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When does the baby rabbit leave home?

8 weeks

Why is your older rabbit fighting with your baby rabbit?

Rabbits are very territorial creatures and will often feel that their home is being invaded. You should most likely separate them

What do the bunnies do when they are older?

I have a bunny that I have had since she was a baby. She was really fun and exciting as a baby, and I thought that as an adult rabbit she would probably become boring. Not really. My rabbit still does 'bunny dances' everyday, and loves to play with toys and people. She rests a lot during the day when almost no one is home, but she can be plenty playful in the evenings. So, in reality, baby bunnies are not all that different from adult bunnies.

How do you take care of lost rabbits?

If the rabbit is grown, take care of it just as you would if you had brought it home yourself. If the rabbit is a baby, it will have the best chance of survival if you give it to a wildlife rehabber or someone from a rabbit rescue organization. Baby rabbits are very difficult to hand-raise, especially if you don't have experience.

Can a wild rabbit survive in the wild after being rescued?

it would be very hard but not impossible. it depends on the amount of time the rabbit was out of the wild A baby wild rabbit taken into your home would not survive if re-released, but a wounded wild rabbit re-habilitated MAYT be all right.

What can you do at home for dehydration of a newborn rabbit?

Newborn rabbits get hydration and nutrition from their mother's milk. If the kit (baby rabbit) isn't drinking, it will require medical intervention or else it probably won't survive. Call your rabbit-savvy vet and ask for advice.

Do ferrets eat bunnies?

First Answer: Ferrets don't eat rabbits. Most rabbits are too big for them to consume. A different answer: Actually, ferrets and all weasels do attack, kill, and eat rabbits. Their method is to jump on the rabbit's back, where the rabbit can't defend themselves; they grip on to the rabbit's neck with their teeth until the rabbit loses strength and dies. Ferrets also kill and eat baby rabbits. In the home, it's very unlikely that a rabbit-ferret friendship will develop; oddly enough, it's much more likely that a rabbit will get along with a pet cat or dog!

How much a rabbit cost to fed?

If you live in England, then a 10kg bag of adult rabbit food will do well for your rabbit. They are available from 'pets at home' for about £13; this will last for about two months (if you are feeding two adult rabbits) and is available in different sizes and varieties.

Should rabbits leave their home?

What do u mean by home what home?if their home is a rabbit house then yesI f you mean by your house then yes if you have a lead walk your rabbit

I have a baby wild rabbit with eyes just opening I don't have any nutritional cecal pellets to feed it I found fecal pellets from a wild rabbit outside my home can I feed them to the baby?

Rabbits perform a process called cecotrophy which is eating of the cecal pellets (night feces). You CAN NOT give the baby fecal matter from outside, or from anywhere. Fecal matter and cecal matter are completely different. Rabbits can't eat feces. And you can't give cecal pellets from outside, because there is a special kind each rabbit has and you need ones that are fresh and healthy.It may be best to consult a vet if you are unsure what to feed the baby rabbit. Only consult a vet that specializes in rabbits. They will be able to advise you as to the best way to ensure you young rabbits health and nutritional needs are being met. If its a baby its a best idea to feed it milk with nutrients in it if its old enough feed it healthy grass. You should from now on not mess with wild baby rabbits.

Who plays rabbit in home and away?

Rabbit is imaginery. Nobody but Miles can see her.

What is another word for a rabbit's home?

A rabbit's home is known as a burrow or rabbit hole. A group of burrows is called a warren. Domestic rabbits generally live in cages or hutches.