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You want them to all add up to 150 all at the same time. So it'll happen for all

members at some one single time from now ... call that time 'x'. At that time,

each of you will be 'x' years older than you are now. Then (your age plus x)

plus (son's age plus x) plus (husband's age plus x) will total 150.

(69 + x) + (5 + x) + (63 + x) = 150

137 + 3x = 150

Subtract 137 from each side of the equation:

3x = 13

x = 41/3 years


It may be easier to see if you look at it from this other angle:

-- Right now, your ages total (69 + 5 + 63) = 137

-- You need 13 more in order to total 150.

-- Since there are 3 of you on this job, you're contributing 3 more to the total for each year that goes by.

-- So how many years will it take for you to pile up 13 more ? 13/3 = 41/3 years.

Husband will be 731/3 .

Son will be 91/3 .

You will be 671/3 .

Add those up, and you get (73 + 9 + 67 + 3/3) = 150 .

And if I may, let me add my blessing, good wishes, and admiration to

the young couple who successfully welcomed a son at ages 64 and 58,

and have somehow kept up with him for 5 years.

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Q: How old in years will husband 69 son 5 and myself 63 be when ages add up to150 How do you write an equation for this answer?
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