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Q: How old is Jacob in Assassin's creed Syndicate?
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Altair is 25 in the first Assassins Creed game.

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What game is better Assassins Creed 2 or Assassins Creed brotherhood?

assassins creed brotherhood, it has everything assassins creed 2 has and more which includes multiplayer modes new assassins in those modes and new weapons added onto the already solid game play, it also adds a solid new plot and brings some old enemies along with all the new ones.

What is the ultimate reward on assassins creed 2?

u will earn the old altire's costume

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dude i have both of these games but personally i would get assassins creed 2 because army of 2 gets old really fast.

Is there any assasin creed CD in playstation2?

well no beacause an ps2 (playstation 2) is too old and assassins creed is a very new game

Is there an assassin's creed game for PSP and do you think it is appropriate for an 9 year old kid?

Absolutely not! First of all 9 yr. old kids would not be able to understand the summary of any Assassins Creed games, second of all PsP is last generation so it would not be able to hold the Assassins Creed games

Once you beat Assassins Creed 2 can you play old memories?

you could start a new file

Why isn't Assassins Creed for ps2?

Because PS2 is old and they need to make m-o-n-e-y

Is dragon age origins a bad game for a 15 year old he has played oblvion and Assassins Creed- lots of gory stuff?

no i think assassins creed is worse and i think heis old enough. My parents say if i can leagally play T games then i can play M games just one rating up

What is the age raiting for the game Aassassins creed Brotherhood?

At the earliest date. i am thinking 17. oddly enough. during the start off of assassins creed 2. in brother hood. his story starts off on the year 1499. however. on the wikipedia it lists him being born on the year 1459. He should be about 40 years old in this one. to begin the game off with. Source: wikipedia mainly. i searched up "characters of assassin's creed", "Assassins creed 2, and assassins creed brotherhood." If im wrong. take a look ^.^ In assassins creed brotherhood he is in his early to late 40s. Another person: Ezio would need to be 25 since that was how old Desmond and Altair were in the first game, and Desmond does not look much older in the 2nd and 3rd games as he does in the first one