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A female is considered to reach the same level of mature intelligence at the age of twelve.

A male is considered to be sufficiently mature to understand his responsibilities as an adult, and the consequences of his actions, at the age of thirteen.

These are the ages of bar- and bat-mitzvah.

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6y ago
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15y ago

A male is considered to be sufficiently mature to understand his responsibilities as an adult, and the consequences of his actions, at the age of thirteen.

A female is considered to reach the same level of mature intelligence at the age of twelve.

These are the ages of bar- and bat-mitzvah, respectively.

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6y ago

A girl is 12 when she is bat mitzvahed. Boys have to be 13.

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13y ago

A girl becomes a bat mitzvah at 12 years old.

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10y ago

Girls usually become a bat mizvah at the age of twelve. Bat Mizvahs are the coming of age rituals meaning that then the child is now responsible for her own actions rather than her parents.

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8y ago

Usually, they have it when they turn 12 years old. However, some Jewish families opt to let their daughters have their Bat Mitzvahs when they turn 13 years old (like boys do).

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9y ago

Bat Mitzvah is supposed to take place at age 12.

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14y ago

A girl becomes a bat mitzvah at the age of twelve.

(That's true whether or not the occasion is celebrated or

acknowledged in any way by anybody, including the girl.)

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15y ago

age 12

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14y ago

12 or 13

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Q: How old is a Jewish girl when she has a Bat Mitzvah?
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What ia a bat Mitzvah?

On a Jewish girl's 12th birthday she becomes a 'Bat Mitzvah'. When a girl becomes a Bat Mitzvah she is considered old enough to take on the religious responsibilities of a Jewish adult.

What is a girl's mitzvah event called?

Girls Bar Mitzvah is called a Bat Mitzvah. A Bat Mitzvah happens when a Jewish girl turns 12 years old. Once the girl reaches that age she is an adult according to the Jewish law. This means that the girl will have to follow all applicable rules. During the ceremony the Bat-Mitzvah girl will wear the dress of her choice.

What do you call a Jewish ceremony for someone turning thirteen?

If youre a boy, your bar Mitzvah!! if youre a girl you do it at 12 and its called a bat Mitzvah! biggest celebration of every Jews life bigger than a wedding

What is bah mitzvah?

The phrase is 'bat mitzvah'. Bat mitzvah, which means 'daughter of mitzvah' is what a Jewish girl is called on her 12th birthday. This means that she is considered ready to take on the religious responsibilities of a Jewish adult. This is often accompanied by a religious ceremony that is referred to as the bat mitzvah ceremony.

What is a batmitsfa?

The term is 'bat mitzvah' and it is a religious ceremony where a Jewish girl takes on the responsibility of life as a Jewish adult. This normally takes place when the girl is 12 years old.

What is a Bat Mitsvah?

A bat mitzvah is when a 12 year old female is cherished and is turning into an adult in the Jewish religeon.

How old are you when you celebrate a Bar Mitzvah?

13. This is for a boy. A bat mitzvah is for a girl, age twelve.

What is the Jewish rites of passage?

For newborns: Brit Milah for boys; Zeved Habat for girls; At age 3 years (In Chassidim) Upsherins for boys; First Shabbat candle lighting for girls. For Teens; Bar Mitzvah for boys; Bat Mitzvah for girls. Marriage.

What do Orthodox Jewish girls have instead of Bat Mitzvah?

First, as soon as a girl turns 12 years old, she is automatically a bat mitzvah. This is because at 12 years old, she is considered old enough to take on the religious responsibilities of a Jewish adult. That being said, in some Orthodox communities, this stage in a girl's life is commemorated by a party, in others she reads from the Torah in an all female prayer group, and in others, she may give a public speech about Judaism and Tanach.

What time of the year is bat mitzvah done?

A Jewish girl bacomes a Bat Mitzvah when she turns 12 years old. If she and her family decide to honor the occasion with some sort of special ceremony or celebration, it can be done at any time, but the most appropriate time to do it would seem to be some time close to the occasion being celebrated . . . the girl's 12th birthday.

What are Bar Mitzvah and Bat Mitzvah?

A Bat Mitzvah ("Bas Mitzvah" in the Ashkenazi pronunciation of Yiddish) is a Jewish girl at the beginning of adulthood. The bat mitzva is the girl; the term literally means "daughter of the commandment." It can also refer to the public ceremony marking and celebrating this rite of passage. The transformation from child to adult involves, on the part of the girl, an assumption of the responsibilities of the Jew (the commandments), and, on the part of the community, a recognition that this girl is a full-fledged member thereof and is no longer a child. In Orthodox Judaism, a girl becomes bat mitzvah at the age of 12. The Conservative and Reform movements mark this transition at 12 or 13, often accompanied by a synagogue ceremony, usually involving reading from the Torah. Judaism does not obligate minors to keep the commandments of the Torah. When a girl reached the age of 12 she in considered an adult and from that moment on is obligated to fulfill the Torah commandments applicable to women. Her twelfth birthday is call her Bat Mitzvah day. Since it is a privilege to fulfill the commandments of the Torah, this day is often marked with a thanksgiving celebration. This celebration is often called her Bat Mitzvah.

Why do some people pay outrageous amounts of money for a Bar or Bat Mitzvah?

Because when a Jewish boy or girl turns thirteen, it is their coming of age ceremony. becoming 13 means you can do honors at temple services, and have more responsibility. a bar or bat mitzvah is supposed to be one of the best days in a Jews life, so it is important to make it that. unfortunately, it does cost a lot of money, but to a Jewish 13 year old, it means a lot to them, and their friends and family.