

How old is a platypus when it leaves its mother?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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Young platypuses stay with their mother for about four months (115-125 days).

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Q: How old is a platypus when it leaves its mother?
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What does a baby platypus do when the mother leaves them?

When the mom leaves they can protect themselves.

Does the platypus defend its young?

The platypus has limited defence available, but will certainly defend its young in whatever way it can. When the mother leaves the chamber to find food, she leaves a "plug" of twigs and leaves in the entrance to deter would-be predators.

How long is a platypus nursed by its mother?

After hatching, the mother platypus feeds her young on milk secreted from glands, rather than from teats. They are suckled by the mother for 3-4 months, during which time she only leaves them to forage for food. Aft this time, she teaches them how to find food, and they stay with her until they are around a year old.

Does a mother platypus teach her young how to swim or find food?

It is instinctive for a young platypus to be able to swim when it gets old enough. However, the mother certainly teaches it how to find food.

What is a platypus called when it is 17 weeks old?

From the time a platypus is hatched, it is called a platypus. It makes no difference whether the platypus is a day old, 17 weeks old or a year old. It is still a platypus. There is no official name for a young platypus. Despite what many websites report, a young platypus is not called a puggle.

What is Fred figglehorn's mother?

A platypus!

Where is a baby platypus born?

A baby platypus is hatched in a chamber at the end of the mother platypus's burrow, which is dug into the side of a riverbank.

How long does the platypus protext its babys?

A baby platypus nurses from its mother for three to four months. After that, it stays with its mother until it is around a year old, learning to hunt for itself. Although platypuses are solitary animals, the mother and babies do form a small family group for up to a year.

What is the role of a mother platypus?

The mother platypus not only lays the eggs that hatch into baby platypuses, but she is the one who cares for the babies. The mother platypus prepares a chamber at the end of a burrow especially for the purpose of protecting the young. After she lays one to three eggs, which have already developed within her body for 28 days, she curls her body around the eggs to incubate them for another ten days. After hatching, the mother platypus feeds her young on milk secreted from glands, rather than from teats. The young are blind, hairless and completely vulnerable. They are suckled by the mother for 3-4 months, during which time she only leaves them to forage for food. As she leaves the burrow, the mother platypus makes several thin plugs made of soil along the length of burrow; this helps to protect the young from predators which would enter the burrow during the mother's absence. When she returns, she pushes past these plugs, thereby forcing water from her fur and helping to keep the chamber dry.

How old is a babay blue whale when it leaves its mother?

8 monthes

Does the mother Platypus lay eggs or does she give birth to live young?

The mother platypus lays eggs.She does not give birth to the young.Perry The Platopuss was born from a egg.

How long does an adult platypus stay with its young?

The young platypus stays with its mother for three to four months.