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Q: How old is the ledgend about the Loch Morar Monster?
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Why does the loch ness monster need water?

The Loch Ness Monster is just an old Irish legend. Scottish!

About how old is the Loch Ness Monster?

As there is no definitive evidence that the Loch Ness Monster is real, estimates of its age are as speculative as it existence.

Where is the second dart player on poptropica?

He is the guy who doesn't believe in the loch ness monster in the bar with the old man.

Is the loch ness monster old?

YES! It was first sighted back around 850A.D that's over 1,000years old (if that was the same animal or a different.)

What does Ness mean in Loch Ness Monster?

Loch Ness is the name of freshwaterr lake in Scotland. Loch is a word from Gaelic loch "lake, narrow arm of the sea," and is similar to Old Irish loch "body of water, lake, and the Old English for lake. "Ness" comes from an old word for headland or cape and is related to Old Norse "nes" and Old English "nasu" nose.The translation or origin of the name would most likely be "the lake with a headland" this may refer to Urquhart castle located on a headland overlooking Loch Ness

What lake in Scotland has a monster in it?

The Loch Ness Monster (Scottish Gaelic Niseag) is a cryptic that is reputed to inhabit Loch Ness in the Scottish Highlands. The most frequent speculation is that the creature represents a line of long surviving plesiosaurs. It is similar to other supposed lake monsters in Scotland and elsewhere, though its description varies from one account to the next.

Has the Loch Ness monster ever hurt or killed anyone?

No, the Loch Ness creature has never been reported as approaching anyone less than all in an aggressive action. There was an old local legend of a monster attacking a woman that was attributed to the Loch Ness creature but this was later proven to be in a river and possibly a boar.

How old is the Loch Ness Monster?

probably about 1000000 years old i think it was one of the dinosaurs nobody knows - there is no record to say when the first suposed sighting was and we dont even know if it exists so we cannot say how old it is :P The Loch Ness monster does exist. She is, yes, probably like oh-00000 somethin' somethin'. If she is a Plesiosuar. If not, well she still goes a long way back. Probably very old. Like, a thousand years or something.

Picture of loch ness monster by Robert Rine?

Loch Ness Monster: The Loch Ness Monster-sometimes called Nessie-is a creature or group of creatures said to live in Loch Ness, a deep freshwater loch (lake near the city of Inverness in northern Scotland. Nessie is generally categorized as a lake monster. Along with Bigfoot and Yeti, Nessie is perhaps the best-known mystery in crypto zoology. Most mainstream scientists and other experts find current evidence supporting Nessie unpersuasive, and regard such reports as hoaxes or misidentification of mundane creatures. Most accounts of the monster's appearance, including historical ones indicate a creature resembling the long-extinct plesiosaur. Actual fossil evidence for this Mesozoic creature shows it to have been physically large with a long neck and tiny head, with flippers for propulsion. The alleged connection of this creature with the Loch Ness monster has made it popular topic in the field of cryptozoology. However, most scientists suggest that the idea that the Loch Ness Monster is a remnant of the Mesozoic era is highly unlikely - there would need to be a breeding colony of such creatures for there to have been any long-term survival, an coupled with the fact that plesiosaurs needed to surface to breathe, this would result in far more frequent sightings than have actually been reported. Many biologists also argue Loch Ness is not large or productive enough to support even a small family of these creatures. Moreover the Loch was created as the result of geologically recent glaciations and was frozen solid during recent ice-ages.The Loch Ness Monster is a myth, it has never been seen, all the alleged sightings, photos and film have been scientifically proven to be either fake or of something other than a 'monster'

What does loch (as in loch ness)mean?

Loch Ness is the name of freshwaterr lake in Scotland. Loch is a word from Gaelic loch "lake, narrow arm of the sea," and is similar to Old Irish loch "body of water, lake, and the Old English for lake. "Ness" comes from an old word for headland or cape and is related to Old Norse "nes" and Old English "nasu" nose.The translation or origin of the name would most likely be "the lake with a headland" this may refer to Urquhart castle located on a headland overlooking Loch Ness

How old is Loch Leven Castle?

Loch Leven Castle was possibly build around c. 1300 - hence about 700 years old as of 2011.

How old is the lake loch ness?

Its 10 thousands years old