

How old is the water cycle?

Updated: 11/10/2020
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11y ago

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Water cycle is a natural process. It started from the beginning.

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Q: How old is the water cycle?
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No it is reused old water

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Does the water cycle create new water for the earth to use?

No, They are all Old waters

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The water cycle

What concept explains the fact that the water you drink is about three billion years old?

The Concept of The Water cycle.

What is the process of water moving by precipitation condensation and evaporation?

These are parts of the water cycle on the Earth.

Did luke howard discover the water cycle?

The water cycle is very elegantly described in the Bible, in the old testament. It is written in Jeremiah Ch10 verse 13. It was written by the prophet Jeremiah, speaking the words of God, who was the inventor and creator of the water cycle.

What cycle has water as an end product?

the water cycle The water cycle. (It ends as rain - which is water.)

What is the process of the water cycle called?

Another name for the water cycle is the hydrologic cycle.

What is an antonym for water cycle?

Water Cycle does not have an Antonym as such... Antonym usually refers to an opposite meaning... Of which water cycle really has none... However if you are asking for an antonym for cycle there are a few. Such as stillness, immobile, innert, unmoving, frozen and stiff.

The process of water moving through by precipitation condensation and evaporation?

the water cycle.