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Q: How old was Aaron copland when he started playing the piano?
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How old was Aaron Copland when he started piano?

Aaron Copland was 13 years old when he began to receive piano lessons. ref The Oxford Companion to Music

What instrument did Aaron Copland play?

Aaron Copland played instruments such as the piano.

When did Aaron Copland begin to compose?

Aaron Copland started composing at the age of 15, and was influenced by his older sister who taught him to play the piano.

Did Aaron Copeland play piano?

Yes, Copland learned how to play piano first from his older sister.

How did Aaron Copland influence the world?

Aaron Copland was born in 1900.Aaron Copland was a composer and a conducter. He taught many young composers. Aaron learned the piano from his older sister. Aaron Copland taught young composers in Paris. He never got married. He made a lot of pieces. Some of them were The Appalachian spring, Simple Gifts, and Hoe down. Aaron Copland died on December 2, 1990.

What was Aaron Copland's favorite instrument?

I would answer by saying ether a piano or Clarinet

When did justin start playing the piano?

He started playing the piano when he was 5 years old on a mini piano but he started playing on a real piano when he was 11.

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How old was Robert pattinson when he started to play the piano?

Robert Pattinson started playing the piano when he was 3 years old and he learned to play the guitar when he was 5.

When did Miley Cyrus start playing piano?

At The age of Three,She Started using these Play Piano and at the age of 5 she started to try Keyboards Then Into The big Piano After Mastering Her Piano She changed into the Guitar.

What was unique about Beethoven's piano playing?

He started playing when he was a young child and his compositions are beautiful.

Show the basics of playing piano?

I have been playing the piano for about two years now and when I started playing my teacher started me with songs from Piano Adventures Book 1, Ode To Joy and those types of basic songs, and the C scale(has no sharps or flats so it is the easiest scale.)