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People had known the earth was not flat for centuries before Galileo's birth - much navigational technology had all based on that fact, and would not have worked otherwise. Galileo is more well known for providing observations and evidence that the sun, not the Earth, was the centre of the solar system - however the main proponent of this fact was Copernicus, a century previously.

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Q: How old was Galileo when he discovered that earth wasn't flat?
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What did Galileo discover with his telescope?

He discovered that the earth was round not flat.

When was it discovered that the world is flat?

It was not discovered, it was assumed until proved otherwise.

How long have people been aware that the earth is flat?

3000 years ago someone discovered the earth was round and before that they thought it was flat.

Who is the discovered that earth was not flat?

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Name three people that proved that earth was round not flat?

I'm almost sure that Galileo, Magellan and Christopher Columbus did it.

What did Christopher columbes discovered?

north america, native americans, and that the earth is not flat

What discoveries did Galileo make to support Copernicus' ideas?

Through his observation Galileo watched the motions of the planets and the sun. Using triginometry and geometry, he flat out knew that the earth could not be a stationary body. He also knew that the Earth could not be the center of the universe. The math told him otherwise. This was in direction contridiction of church doctrine and more in line with the helocentric theory that Copernicus came up with. Also the phases of Venus that he observed could only be possible if the Earth and other planets revolved around the Sun.He also discovered 4 of Jupiter's moons. This showed that there were objects revolving around other planets and not everything revolved around the earth

How did Copernicus prove that the earth wasn't in the middle of the universe?

Galileo did not prove that Earth was not flat (It had already been agreed that it was round). Galileo invented the telescope and used it to prove that there were objects which did not orbit the Earth, supporting Copernicus' Heliocentric model for the universe. The Earth was known to be round by the ancient Greeks, but I do not who it found out initially (sorry).

Which sailor found out the world wasnt flat?

Christopher Columbus

Galileo called the dark flat parts on the moon what?

Dark plains

What did Galileo discover when looking through his telescope?

that the moon was not flat, it was a sphere.