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Q: How old was elizabeth1 you when the the war on the spanish armada?
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What was the name of the war between England and the Spanish Armada?

The Anglo Spanish War.

When did the Spanish Armada War finish?


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What war did king george start?

Spanish Armada

What do you call spanish war fleet?

Armada Flota

When was the spanish armada start and finish?

The Armada sailed in July 1588, The Anglo-Spanish war lasted until 1604

What war was the spanish armada part of?

The main war the Spanish armada was in was the war against the English when Elizabeth ruled. this was because Elizabeth would not marry king Phillp of Spain and that England was Prodestant contry then

What was the huge war in Tudor times between England and Spain?

the spanish armada

Did sir francais drake die in the Spanish armada?

No this is not true as Sir Francis Drake did not loose his war with the Spanish Armada. as the Armada were very large ships and Drakes were smaller , the Spanish cannonballs flew above the English ships, sand the English shells hit the Armada ship in the centre causing damage.

Was the Spanish Armada the end of World War 2?

No. It was several hundred years earlier.

What wars were there in Shakespeare's time?

The Anglo-Spanish War of 1585-1604 included the attack of the Spanish Armada on England in 1588.

What was the goal of phillip II?

To marry Elizabeth I and win the war Spanish Armada.♥x