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No Jaine just wants to get it in

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Janie was around 16 years old when she met Logan Killicks.

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Q: How old was janie when she met Logan?
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Related questions

How old was Janie when she married Logan in their eyes were watching god?

Janie was just a teenager when she married Logan in "Their Eyes Were Watching God."

Why did janie marry Logan Killicks?

Janie married Logan Killicks because her grandmother arranged the marriage to provide Janie with financial security and social status. Janie was not in love with Logan and felt stifled in their relationship because there was no emotional connection between them.

What does janie do when Logan threatens not to chop any wood for her?

Janie gets a gun...

Is Janie better off with Jody than she was with Logan Their Eyes Were Watching God?

Though Jody provided Janie with financial security and status, he also controlled and stifled her personal growth and desires. In contrast, Logan was neglectful and cold towards Janie. Overall, Janie's relationship with Jody was more complex and oppressive compared to the stagnant and unfulfilling marriage she had with Logan.

How does Janie hurt Logan before she leaves?

Janie hurts Logan emotionally by telling him that she never loved him and only married him because her grandmother wanted her to. She also leaves without saying goodbye, which adds to Logan's sense of betrayal and abandonment.

What did janie do shortly after she met joe starks?

Janie married Joe Starks shortly after they met. She saw him as an opportunity for a better life and a chance to escape the monotony of her current situation.

What indications are there that Janie marries Logan hoping to find love?

Janie marries Logan hoping to find love because she is eager to experience passion and connection in her marriage, which she believes will lead to love. However, she quickly realizes that her relationship with Logan lacks the emotional depth and mutual respect needed for true love to flourish. This realization prompts Janie to seek a more fulfilling and authentic connection with someone she truly loves.

Who is Teacake and Janie?

teacake is the second man that janie marries, after joe dies. she meets him when she was about to close up on the store that she owns. they meet, he teaches he things she did not even know, and janie is the person that is attractive to everyone, when her hair is the down. she is the main character. =] Actually, he is the third (Logan, Joe, Tea Cake). She wasn't going to close the store until after she met him, she was doing it on a whim to be with him wherever he goes. With him she finally, truly lives, learning in the process. Janie always was the main character.

How does janie meet tea cake?

Tea Cake came into the store while Janie was working at the counter to buy cigarettes and that is how they met.

In Their Eyes were watching god How do Logan and joe starks reveal a different sides of Janie What are their motivations?

Logan wants Janie for labor on his farm and treats her as a workhorse, showing a traditional, oppressive side of Janie. Joe Starks, on the other hand, seeks Janie as a trophy wife to elevate his status in the community, revealing her more assertive and independent side. Their motivations are driven by selfish desires for control and societal recognition, respectively.

Would janie return to Eatonville if tea cake had survived?

No, she wouldn't of had any reason to stay, except for Logan.

How old is Janie Guzman?

20 years old.