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I think he was 15 or 16

No it was 18-19, at least I am 99% sure....-Emily

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12y ago

King tutankhamun died at ther age of 18, scientists are'nt sure what caused hid death, but the problem of his death has been focused aroung his head/brain area.

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Q: How old was kin tut when he died?
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King Tut was only 19 years old when he died and he died because he was inbread

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Tut's children was 0 years old when they died because they were dead when they were in Tut's wife stomach.

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King tut was about 9 or 10 years old when he first started ruling ancient egypt

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king tut's brother died at age 40

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It is believed she was around 26 years old.

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King Tut's father died mysterously, but he had probably died of old age.

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It is not clear that Tutankhamen had any children. Certainly the next Pharaoh was not of his kin.

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Lord Carnarvon died shortly after the discovery of King Tut's tomb. Lord Caenarvon financed Howard Carters expeditions. Howard acutally died when he was 66 years old.

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no one really but he was funded by Lord Carnarvon .

How old was Akhasenamon when she married tut?

She was twelve years old when she married king Tut.

Which Egyptian king died at sixteen years old?

none. that i know of. maybe you are confused with king tut who died around 17

How old were Tut's children when they died?

Two tiny fetuses have been found in a tomb and the DNA testing has proven they were Tut's babies. They were probably premature and didn't live long.