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he is dead

Shakespeare was baptised on the 25th April 1564 and died April 1616. The Armada sailed in 1588

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Q: How old was shakespeare when he spanish Armada was defeated?
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How old was Shakespeare in1588?

He was born in 1564 so he was 24 when the Spanish Armada sailed.

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What are facts about the spanish armada?

-130 ships in their fleet - formation of a crescent - defensive as larger ships were on the wings and centre- many cannons on the ships were not affective as they were at least 1/2 century old and had inefficient gun mountings

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What sports were famous in Shakespeare's time?

A number of sports were played in Shakespeare's day, but the only one which gained any notoriety was the game of bowls. This is a kind of bowling where each player tries to get his ball closest to a target ball called a jack--versions of it are played in many countries including France and Italy. It's famous because it was the game Sir Francis Drake was playing as news was brought to him that the Spanish Armada was coming up the English Channel. This happened when Shakespeare was 14 years old.

What did the English do to stop the spanish from invading?

To stop the Spanish Armada the British sent out old ships witch where no good to them, so they set them on fire and let them float away. The Spanish fled. The British also lit warning beacons after they spotted the Spanish off the coast of Cornwall. Hope this helps.

What is an opponent that can not be defeated?

Death, old age, these cannot be defeated.

How old was Shakespeare when he had his pet?

We have no information to suggest that shakespeare ever had a pet.

How old was Shakespeare's romeo?

15 years old

How old was William Shakespeare when he had susanna?

When his daughter Susanna was born, Shakespeare was 18.

What is Shakespeare's English old or modern explain?

Shakespeare was the father of modern English.