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Q: How old was the youngest president in history?
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After McKinley was assassinated Roosevelt became the youngest president in American history How old was he?


After McKinley was assassinated Roosevelt became the youngest president in American history. How old was he?


How old was the youngest mayor in American history?

the youngest mayor was 25

What party did Theodore After McKinley was assassinated Roosevelt became the youngest president in American history. How old was he?

Theodore Roosevelt was a Republican. He was 42 when McKinley was assassinated and TR became President.

Who was the youngest president when inaugurated?

John F. Kennedy was the youngest president that time he was inaugurated. He was approximately 43 years old.

Who was the president who was the youngest and only Cathlene?

The youngest president of the United States was John F. Kennedy, who took office at the age of 43. However, there has never been a president named Cathlene in U.S. history.

How old is the youngest for a president to be?

its 35 but the youngest so far was 42 tedi rosevelt

How old was the youngest president US?

Thirty eight

Who was the youngest presidential candidate in the world?

I believe that John F. Kennedy was the youngest. At age 44 he became the 35th President of the United States. According to - With the assassination of President McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt, not quite 43, became the youngest President in the Nation's history. (26th president), but JFK was the youngest elected (candidate). As far as the American presidency is concerned, the youngest candidate was 36-year-old Democrat William Jennings Bryan (b. March 12, 1860), who ran for president against Republican William McKinley in 1896. - Matt Penn

Who was the youngest US president and how old was he?

As of 2017, the youngest US president was Theodore Roosevelt, who was only 42 when he took office.

Who is the youngest ice hockey player in US history?

The youngest hockey player in history was a little girl that was 2 years old

What was Theodore Roosevelt's greatest accomplishment?

he became the youngest president in u.s. history