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about 5000 years old.

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Q: How old would Adam and Eve be by now?
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How old would Adam and Eve in 2009?

10000 years

How old were Adam and Eve when thay passed?

Adam lived 930. It doesn't say about Eve.

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Who was the Adam and eve ? Answer gypsy

What do you think God would do to bring Adam and Eve to Heaven?

He's already done that. By sending His Son to be the complete and final substitutionary sacrifice for all sin, Adam and Eve were then forgiven and now enjoy Heaven like all the Old Testament righteous and all the children of God through Christ after his resurrection.

The story of Adam and Eve is told is what book?

The story of Adam and Eve is told in the book of Genesis in the Bible.

How old is the concept of children?

As old as Cain (Adam and Eve's first child).

Did Adam and Eve live during the ice age?

No, they lived, according to scriptures, in the time of the beginning of Earth and the universe. (But it is very unlikely that Adam and Eve even existed.) The estimated age of the earth is 4.54 billion years old, and the earliest ice age was 2.4 to 2.1 billion years ago, so there is a 2.14 billion year gap between the beginning of Earth (And possibly Adam and Eve,) and the earliest ice age. And the projected age of Adam and Eve is over 100 years old, so if Adam and Eve did exist, there would be no way that they could have lived during the ice age.

Where in the bible does Adam and Eve verses?

The story of Adam and Eve is found in the first book of the Old Testament. That book is Genesis. It tells the story of God's creation of the world and of Adam and Eve, as the ultimate ancestor of the Hebrew people.

Who in the Old Testament did not have parents?

Adam and Eve, since they were the first man and woman.

What first comes into head about Old Testament?

First Adam and eve come to the mind from the old testament.

How old was eve when she created?

adam is born fully grown and eve is as well. they didn't have ages as we do today so birthdates were not important to them.

What is the best known story of the Old Testament?

AnswerThe two best known stories in the Old Testament would probably be the story of Adam and Eve, and the story of Noah's Flood.