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Ozone is beneficial in stratosphere. It acts as a pollutant at ground level.

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Q: How ozone is both beneficial and harmful?
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Is ozone harmful or beneficial at your land surface?

Ozone at land is harmful. It acts as a pollutant.

How can ozone be both a pollutant and something beneficial to earth?

Ozone occurring at 'our' level in the atmosphere is a pollutant, because it is harmful to people and some materials (such as rubber). However in the top of the atmosphere it acts as a 'shield' by stopping UV from the Sun, which would be harmful to human health.

What is both harmful and beneficial?


What gas is both harmful and beneficial to life on Earth?

CO2, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Ozone. Water vapour

What gas is both harmful and beneficial?


Why is the upper ozone layer beneficial?

The upper layer is benificial as it protects us from the harmful UV rays. Uv rays are harmful rays from the sun.

When is ozone beneficial to living things?

The ozone present at the atmospheric level is benificial to living things. It protects us from the harmful and fatal UV radiations of the sun.

What gas is both harmful and beneficial to life on Earth oxygen or carbon dioxide or ozone?

All of them. Oxygen allows animals to live, carbon dioxide allows plants to live, and ozone protects all from UV radiation. However, plants are poisoned by oxygen and animals are poisoned by carbon dioxide; both are also poisoned by ozone.

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Why is stratospheric ozone beneficial to people?

Stratospheric ozone is beneficial to people because it acts as a shield, absorbing a significant portion of the sun's harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation. This UV radiation can cause sunburn, skin cancer, cataracts, and other health problems. The presence of stratospheric ozone protects us from these harmful effects, allowing us to safely enjoy outdoor activities and maintain healthy skin and eyes.

How is ozone beneficial to humans?

Ozone is very beneficial to human beings. If no ozone was there, humans would not have existed.

Why is halogenoalkanes harmful to ozone layer?

Halogenalkanes are harmful to ozone. They react with ozone and deplete it.