

How ozone layer affects the world?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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The ozone layer protects us from the UV rays. These are fatal rays from the sun.

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How does ozone layer affect the environment?

Ozone layer affect the environment. As they say, it affects the biosphere.

What is the most layer that effect on earth surface?

The layer that affects the earth's surface is ozone. Ozone is a layer of importance.

What affects does chlorofluorocarbons have had on your ozone layer?

CFCs are the chemicals that are responsible for the depletion of ozone layer. These chemicals react with ozone to deplete it.

How can ozone affects your life?

Ozone acts as a shield on earth. It is present as ozone layer.

How does the ozone layer affects atmosphere?

Ozone layer is a part of atmosphere. It protects us from the harmful UV rays.

How can you be affected by ozone layer?

Ozone layer affects us. It protects us from the harmful UV rays of the sun.

How is the ozone layer affecting UV levels?

Ozone layer affects the UV levels by blocking it. In the absence of Ozone, more UV will enter.

What is the ozone layer and how does burning fossil fuels effect it?

Ozone layer is a layer of ozone gas in atmosphere. Burning fossils affects global warming, thus affecting it.

Why solar eclipse can effect the ozone layer?

Solar eclipse affects the ozone layer. It is because of the increased UV radiations.

What is the uses of ozone layer in youR world?

See "What does the ozone layer do?"

What are the affects of the ozone layer depletion of society?

Ozone layer depletion causes UV rays to enter the earth. These are fatal rays of the sun.

How does the depletion of the ozone layer affect polar bears?

Depletion of ozone layer causes the ice caps to melt. This affects the polar bears.