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He suffered so much! Immagine yourself carring a huge cross up a steep hill?! But he was willing to do it for us.

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Q: How painful was it for Jesus to experience the cross for your cleansing?
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Are jesus wounds still painful?

When on the cross it did hurt, but you can not say it hurts now.

The cross without Jesus Christ on it what does it stand for?

The cross without Jesus on it signifies that He is risen & no longer on the cross..Jesus is alive.

How is the cross used?

the cross is used to remember Jesus and how Jesus died

Was Jesus burned on the cross?

Mo Jesus was not burned on the cross at all.

When did Jesus build the cross?

Jesus didn't build the cross, he was crucified on it.

Why cross is for sufferings?

I assume you mean "why is the cross a symbol of suffering". In the Christian religion, the cross, often depicted with the figure of Jesus upon it, represents the suffering that Jesus was said to endure for humanity. The cross, and crucifixion, was a punishment used by the Romans to torture political enemies, dissidents, and whoever Pontius Pilate disliked. It was a slow and painful way to die. After the death of Jesus, Christians began using the cross, not just as a symbol of suffering, but to express the belief that through the death and resurrection of Jesus, sins would be forgiven. To this day, the cross is the central symbol of Christianity, since it represents the Christian belief that Jesus willingly gave up his life, and that whoever believes in him will be saved.

Why Jesus was given vinegar in the cross?

Yes Jesus was given vinegar to drink, by the Roman soldier as he said that he felt thirsty. And also to fulfil the prophecy.

What are the saints names that died on the cross with Jesus?

No saint died on the cross with Jesus christ , as jesus died on the cross for the sins of all mankind.

Why did Jesus drop the cross?

Scourged and beaten beyond recognition, any human would be tremendously weakened - even a young strong man like He was being only about 31 years of age. Then forcing Him to bear the weight of a wooden 'cross' - whether a crossbeam only or a full length cross - would be overly challenging. But Christ was determined to complete His Father's desires of Him and did so perfectly.

What is the second station in the stations of the cross?

The second station is Jesus accepts the cross (Jesus carries the cross).

Do you believe in the cross Jesus died on?

No I believe in Jesus who died on the cross for you, me, and everybody.

Who was hanging on cross with Jesus?

Thieves were crucifies either side of Jesus' cross.