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Q: How pearl divers breathe under the water?
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Why do scuba divers need to bring oxygen tanks while fishes do not?

Because fish have gills and can breathe under water and humans do not

What are three factors that made pearl diving so dangerous in the early 1900s?

Free divers risk the danger of drowning while underwater, especially in areas requiring divers to descend to extreme depths. All pearl divers risk encountering dangers under the water, including sharks and other sea life. Many Australian pearl divers perished during storms that claimed the pearling boats while the divers were still on the bottom. Beyond environmental hazards, pearl divers also have to cope with the "bends," a condition caused when rapid decompression from quick surface ascent causes nitrogen bubbles to form in the bloodstream.

How do fish breathe under water?

They use their gills to breathe under water.

What is the difference of divers and dabblers?

dabblers eat stuff at the surface of the water and divers eat stuff under water

What helps breathe under water?

Divers carry with them tanks containing air in them. The air present in these tanks has different composition from the normal air. It has 32% oxygen, 56% Nitrogen and 12% Helium. It is done so as to avoid creation of bends inside the body of divers when they come out of water.

What helps diver breathe under water?

Divers carry with them tanks containing air in them. The air present in these tanks has different composition from the normal air. It has 32% oxygen, 56% Nitrogen and 12% Helium. It is done so as to avoid creation of bends inside the body of divers when they come out of water.

Who explore under water?

Divers explore underwater.

Can beetles live in water?

Well, they don't breathe water like a fish, but there are a lot of aquatic beetles, some called "divers." Some will take an air bubble under with them and use it for an external air source.

What is the length of time squirrels can breathe under water?

squirres can't breathe under water.

How can mammal breath while they are under water?

They do not breathe underwater. They hold their breath under the water and surface to breathe.

How long can squirrels breathe under water?

Squirrels cannot breathe under water.

How do water scorpions breathe underwater?

Scorpions can breathe under water, False. Scorpions cannot breathe under water but they can however hold their breath for up to 6 days