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Q: How people made money from the mining industry without actually mining?
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What do you mean by industry?

When someone mentions industry, they usually mean a collection or enterprises where the policies of production are made. It is an organization or group of people who are engaged in commercial enterprise. Industry also means the process and action of making goods for commercial use.

How big of an industry is the historic preservation business?

The industry of historic preservation is a pretty big business, especially in the northeast. People who want things to remain as they were, will pay to have things kept up, or repaired as needed.

What are three different types of industries?

"Primary industry" - sometimes called the primary sector of the economy - produces food and raw materials."Secondary industry" makes things."Tertiary industry" distributes to people the things the primary and secondary sectors have produced and also provides services like travel, banking or education.

What type of industry is a church?

If you had to call a church an industry it would be a service industry. Churches make money from donations and tithes and offer religious and spiritual services to it's members or "customers". It also offers jobs for people on the church staff which can include pastors, janitorial services, media professionals, accountants, etc.

What is a non-manufacturing industry?

A non-manufacturing industry is an industry that does not make anything. Â?Some non-manufacturing industries include the 'service' professions, such as nursing, social work and teaching. Â?For instance, a car would be made by a manufacturer. Â?The car could then be handed over to safety testing people who would crash it to analyse how safe the car is. Â?The safety testers would be part of a non-manufacturing industry.