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Lots of the pollution caused by plastic is from the oil and other materials that it takes to make it. Oil, which is used to make plastic, pollutes the air.

Also, this might not relate to the air in particular, but lots of plastic products are eventually thrown away after human use and put into landfills, which kills animals from choking on it, and looks terrible. Plastics take up to thousands of years to break down.

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12y ago
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12y ago

it effects the air because when you burn plastic there is pollution and some animals wont be able to survive even humans. and when you burn plastic some animals will die and some humans will die to. thats how burning plastic effects the air. so never burn plastic becuase we will have less people less plants lees food ane less animals. never burn plastic because it effects the air.

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16y ago

it fills the land fills and takes 500-1000 years to decompose

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Q: How plastic affect air?
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