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Anywhere from about 1/20th to 20 times the yield, depending on the expected usage.

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many are more powerful, some are less powerful. modern nuclear weapons are designed for the application.

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Q: What is more powerful the bomb dropped over Hiroshima or a modern nuclear weapon?
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Was the bomb dropped on Nagasaki an atomic bomb or a hydrogen bomb?

Atom or atomic bomb is an older term. The modern term is Nuclear Weapon or Nuclear Device. Then of course there are Thermonuclear weapons (typically these are the large strategic nukes), which are also called "Hydrogen Bombs". These typically consist of a primary or trigger, which is basically a small nuclear weapon. This tiny nuke sets off a larger secondary inside the weapon which causes a fusion reaction and a very large explosion.

Which of Dalton's principles was contradicted by the bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki Japan?

He entered history with the modern day atomic theory and his research into color blindness. Those principles were on the constitution of mixed gases; on the pressure of steam and other vapours at different temperatures, both in a vacuum and in air; on evaporation; and on the thermal expansion of gases.

Is nuclear war possible in the modern world?

So long as nuclear weapons and the motive and means to use them exist, yes

How has World War 2 impacted modern life?

The invention of the nuclear bomb painted way the mass production of nuclear arms and helped invent nuclear energy

What radiation do atomic bombs give of?

The radiation levels of atomic bombs vary according to the amount of radioactive elements put into the bombs or missiles and if they are actually used. Once the radioactive matter is inside the bomb housing the radiation levels are negligible but once one of the nuclear bombs is used then the variables come into play. (see related link below to see how complex it is) Consider this: the atomic bombs dropped on Japan in 1945 are 1/10th the killing power of today's nuclear missiles. If one modern nuclear missile were to be used today the bomb would be able to kill about a third of the world with the initial bomb blast and radiation fallout. The radiation level after Hiroshima and Nagasaki was not really measured until after the US occupied Japan. The Japanese leaders did not really understand the radiation fallout and poisonous danger and they did not use radiation detectors right after the blast. It is rumored the radiation levels were 100 times today's acceptable levels of radiation.

Related questions

How heavy is a nuclear bomb?

The weight of a nuclear bomb can vary depending on its size and design, but they generally range from a few hundred pounds to several tons. For example, the "Little Boy" bomb dropped on Hiroshima weighed about 9,700 pounds, while modern nuclear warheads can be as small as a few hundred pounds.

Was the science affected by the Hiroshima bombing?

The modern atomic theory.

How powerful is the most powerful nuclear explosive in the world?

The most powerful nuclear explosive device ever built was the USSR's Tsar Bomba (casing shown above), designed for a yield of 100 megatons and tested October 30, 1961 above the Novaya Zemlya archipelago at Sukhoy Nos at a reduced yield of just over 50 megatons. Only the one was built. No modern nuclear explosive currently fielded has a yield above about 300 kilotons.

What is haroshima?

Hiroshima is a city in Japan. It was the first city to be attacked with nuclear weapons dropped by the United States to shorten the war. Dropped by a B 29 bomber on 6 August 1945, the Japanses government refused to surrender to the US and her allies. Despite the devastation of this first attack, Japan had to be nuked AGAIN to agree to a surrender. It is believed hundreds of thousands of lives were saved as the US did not have to invade Japan and the Japanese people did not have to "fight to the death" to defend their homeland . Hiroshima is still there and there are parts of the city that have been left unrepaired as a memorial to the loss of life. The US helped set up a post war constitution, left the Emporer in place and laid the foundation for a successful modern Japan.

Which radioactive actinide was the primary explosive component of nuclear weapons?

This would be plutonium in modern nuclear weapons. Another actinide common in nuclear weapons is uranium. Nowadays this is usually found in the secondary of the weapon. The Little Boy weapon used against Hiroshima used uranium as the fissile material. This was a single stage weapon. A few other weapons also used uranium as the primary nuclear explosive.

What is the atomic bomb used for?

The atomic bomb was used to end the war between the U.S. and Japan. The U.S. also dropped it to test the bomb to see if it worked. When the bomb passed the test the U.S. told Japan that we will drop an atomic bomb; Japan refused to surrender and we dropped two bombs on them (Hiroshima and Nagasaki); that's when Japan surrendered.In modern terms, atomic bombs (and all nuclear weapons) are political tools, with very little practical battlefield use. In some regards, they can be considered a "terror" weapon, as possession of nuclear weaponry provides the owner with a credible threat to wreck mass destruction upon an opponent. That is, the utility of nuclear weapons comes not from their use, but from the threat of their use. As such, they are classic political tools for use in international power relations.

What does Hiroshima look like now?

A modern, very pretty city after the bombing.

Was the bomb dropped on Nagasaki an atomic bomb or a hydrogen bomb?

Atom or atomic bomb is an older term. The modern term is Nuclear Weapon or Nuclear Device. Then of course there are Thermonuclear weapons (typically these are the large strategic nukes), which are also called "Hydrogen Bombs". These typically consist of a primary or trigger, which is basically a small nuclear weapon. This tiny nuke sets off a larger secondary inside the weapon which causes a fusion reaction and a very large explosion.

How strong are nuclear bombs today?

Modern nuclear bombs can be extremely powerful, with yields ranging from tens to hundreds of kilotons to several megatons. The most powerful nuclear bomb ever detonated was the Soviet Union's "Tsar Bomba" in 1961, which had a yield of around 50 megatons. Today's nuclear bombs are more compact and efficient than older designs, making them potentially even more devastating.

Is there a list of modern nuclear weapons?

No, but there is a list of modern greenpeace actions.

How much more efficient is a modern day nuclear bomb to a World War 2 nuclear bomb?

Answer:See appended link for interactive demonstration of various nuclear devices.Answer:Well,to me a WW2 nuclear bomb means Hiroshima and Nagasaki.They were respectively 15 kilotons and 20 kilotons nuclear devices.15 KT (kilotons) means that the damage from the blast is roughly equal to 15 kilotons( or 15 000 tons) of TNT explosives.a "Modern" Nuke can easily reach 20 megatons( (they were achieved in the 1960s) -this means 15 million tons of TNT.The most powerful nuclear explosion was a 50 Megaton nuclear device used by the Soviet union.(30.X.1961) This device was successfully constructed as a 100 Megaton bomb,but was then reduced to ~50 and some materials changed,because there would be too much pollution and there was a risk that the plane dropping it couldn't reach safety distance fast enough.According to physics the most powerful bomb was 4000 times more powerful than the one in Hiroshima.The bomb in Hiroshima destroyed almost every building in 2 kilometers radius from the explosion.The Emperor Bomb (the 50 megaton one) could destroy anything in more than 10 kilometers radius. Makes you think what a 100 Megaton can do,because they had it.But radius isn't the only thing that matters.It is known for Hiroshima that one building just 420 meters from the explosion was "as if untouched" from the bomb.The building was from thick Concrete.And this building was build with materials from 1945.Yes,in 2008 we have several times more reinforced structures,but i don't know a material that won't be destroyed by a "Modern" nuke.Modern nukes produce temperature at amount of millions of degrees. The diamond is ruined at 800 degrees.the Titanium melts at 1625 degrees.The surface of the sun(as long as i have heard and read) is about 4000 degrees,and we can't reach it with space shuttles.And you want something to survive at millions of degrees?

Is modern family a nuclear family?

I believe the nuclear family is considered to be a couple with 2.5 children. This also may be considered the modern family.