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The power or force exerted by black holes is all relative to the size of the black hole. Because black holes have many different sizes, they exert different amounts of forces for each black hole. However, I'm assuming that you are talking about black holes like the super massive black hole located in the center of our galaxy. These kinds of black holes are huge and are so powerful, they can trap light which is traveling 286,000 miles per second. So if you're talking about the big galactic black holes seen in the movies, the answer is the black hole is amazingly powerful and can trap anything that goes past its event horizon (point of no return).

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13y ago
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9y ago

Black Holes are massive and highly dense objects. This property leads to huge amounts of gravitational forces around it that allows it to suck up each and every objects that are close to it. They are black because the light hitting it cannot reflect back and gets sucked into it due to its massive gravitational pull.

Now speaking of dimensions the black whole is able to twist the fabric of time and space. Its kind of like the whole in the sink and water being the gravitational force. Anything caught in the water eventually would turn up inside the hole.

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15y ago

well the quazars which are super massive black holes are capable of sucking up entire galxies but the smaller black holes are capable of entire systems and stars mostley

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Black holes do not die but they can evaporate.

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Yes. They get sucked into black holes all the time!

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The most massive stars will die as black holes.

After whom are non-rotating black holes named?

Schwarzschild black holes. Named after the scientist who proved mathematically black holes can exist.

Are black holes moving?

Yes black holes are moving but they have no sense of direction..

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