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If you are refering to the Orth Home Defense Max Kill and Contain Mouse Traps, depending on the size of the mouse the mouse will either be killed instantly, or, for larger mice, the trap contains them and they will die from hyperthemia.

These traps are really inhumane unless you let the mice out away from your house - we tried live traps and they did not work, but caught two within minutes of putting out these Ortho "kill and contain" traps -- they only contain. Please, if you use these effective traps, take the trap and drive a bit and let the poor mouse out in a field or just away from your home instead of throwing out the trap in the garbage to die a miserable death!

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How does a mouse trap function?

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Yes it is because it kill Mouses automatically by shocking the mouse with electronic shock.

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You have to be quick and hold them tight. Don't let go, they will give you their gold if you make them. You can make your own trap, or use the trap off of the game Mouse Trap.

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The Rat Zapper is the most effective mouse trap. It uses electronics to kill the rodents dead every time.

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The plural of mousetrap is mousetraps.

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Yes a mouse trap is a lever

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William C. Hooker was granted a patent for the currently popular spring loaded mouse trap in 1894.

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You would know because theres this thing called a MOUSE TRAP maybe you can try that....

When was Mouse Trap - game - created?

Mouse Trap - game - was created in 1963.

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A mouse trap

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